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[Fgs-bs] FEETURE

From: Desired Username
Subject: [Fgs-bs] FEETURE
Date: Tue, 12 Aug 2003 05:43:30 -0700 (PDT)

Any two AGA members can submit a game result to be
included towards their official rank.  The
requirements are that both players agree beforehand to
do this and that a third party sign that the official
rules were followed.  All of these conditions could be
met on FGS.  So the FEETURE I'm thinking of is to
allow people to download "signed" SGFs (or maybe just
game results) that they can submit.

A future FEETURE would be to automatically upload
those to the AGA (or other national Go assocs?), but
that would require some work on their end to receive.

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