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Re: [Devel] Help me understand this... I'm loosing my sanity. Please.

From: R C van Dalen
Subject: Re: [Devel] Help me understand this... I'm loosing my sanity. Please.
Date: Thu, 10 Apr 2003 10:01:26 +0200
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Citeren Maurizio Colucci <address@hidden>:

> Does anybody know if MS Cleartype and Mac os X are taking account of
> the bytecodes?
> Because it seems to me that those technologies are sensibly better
> than freetype2 with the interpreter turned on, and it seems a bit
> strange. I am taking the Msttcorefonts as a comparison. I mean, even
> with good hinted fonts such as andale mono or times new roman,
> freetype2+interpreter is anything but good (IMO). You got the
> sensation of a pen loosing ink.  It is only me to have this
> impression?
> M

ClearType uses the instructions. Note that Times New Roman with ClearType looks 
like your pen losing ink as well. Only a few fonts (Tahoma, Verdana, Georgia) 
have been rehinted to take ClearType into account, I believe.
The fact that you get these unregular glyphs is due to the fact that TrueType 
instructions are a fundamentally flawed way of turning on specific pixels, so 
that greyscale rendering will yield ugly results.


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