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Re: [ft-devel] Searching for an FT2 tester program

From: Mickey Gabel
Subject: Re: [ft-devel] Searching for an FT2 tester program
Date: Wed, 25 Mar 2009 16:57:45 +0200
User-agent: Thunderbird (Windows/20090302)

After that, there are other complicated details so that _init_foo_class is used appropriately, i.e. it must be called at module initialization time in the PIC case only, with a heap-allocated structure passed as a parameter. However, this can also be performed with macros.

I'm preparing a patch to show how this can work on the existing code base. However this is going to take a long time, so I would prefer if we could first submit your changes, then slowly
migrate to this new scheme (we can do this piece by piece, fortunately).

There are also complications due to the fact that modules themselves are defined through a constant table (but again, we can work with this with macros), and the challenge of "derived classes", but I believe we should be able to support these as well with the minimal impact on duplication.


Hi David,

I did some of the initial work and design the PIC version of the FT2 module system (that was a while ago).

I am not sure what the current state of the code is (working on another project), but IIRC what most of what you describe has already been implemented. At least if I understood correctly.

To be more specific:

The code to initialize the table of default modules is already defined automatically in the PIC version (see src/base/ftinit.c). It uses the macros in ft_module.h. That user-configurable part of FT2 has not changed. Modules defined in the h file (using the macros) have their module struct allocation and init functions called automatically, and are then added to FT2 using FT_Add_Module(). When FT2 is released, the default modules are also released via the appropriate call.

As for users that don't want to use the default module list, and want to use FT_Add_Module themselves: The idea was that they should call FT_Create_Class_foo_class(), and then it's the user's responsibility to pass the pointer to FT_Add_Module(), and at the end to use FT_Destroy_Class_foo_class() to release it.

Again, as I am not sure what the current state is, I can't say much more.


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