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charity disappointmnet (was Re: [Fsfe-uk] What the treasurer did... (ear

From: Nic Ferrier
Subject: charity disappointmnet (was Re: [Fsfe-uk] What the treasurer did... (early Feb 2003))
Date: 06 Feb 2003 13:55:38 +0000

MJ Ray <address@hidden> writes:

> Now, there are two things to do, from my point of view:
>   1. Get more members;
>   2. Spend money on things with the most impact per pound in support of our
> aims.
> Your suggestions on best ways to do either or both are welcomed.

I'm not a member yet (I've been too busy to send in my form) but the
news about charitable status is very disappointing.

I would have thought that the AFFS was a perfect candidate for
charitable status, it exists purely to promote the benefits of free
software; doesn't it?

Part of promoting free software benefits might be to point out where
legislation could help but is that the only reason the AFFS exists?

Nic Ferrier

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