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Re: [Getfem-users] interpolated fem again

From: Andriy Andreykiv
Subject: Re: [Getfem-users] interpolated fem again
Date: Wed, 11 Jul 2007 19:14:36 +0200

Dear Yves,

What I want to do with interpolated fem is the following. I want to simulate a composite material (something like a car distribution belt), where the matrix of the composite is simulated with hexahedral elements while the fibers, that enforce the composite material are simulated with trusses. I want those trusses not to be conformal with the mesh of the matrix material, hence I want to impose a weak constraint that displacement of the fibers should be equal to the displacement of the matrix material in the location where those trusses fibers cross the matrix (this way I would attach the fibers inside the matrix material). Hence, again this is conceptually similar to fictitious domain method for fluid-structure interection, where velocity of the fluid on the boundary of the structure should be equal the velocity of the structure and this constraint is imposed in a weak sence. I probably can reformulate my vectorial problem into a set of scalar problems and then use interpolated fem, and then assemble a vectorial problem again. Would that be a solution?

Thank you in advance,

----- Original Message ----- From: "Yves Renard" <address@hidden>
To: "Andriy Andreykiv" <address@hidden>
Cc: <address@hidden>
Sent: Wednesday, July 11, 2007 6:44 PM
Subject: Re: [Getfem-users] memory leakage somewhere in getfem::mesh_im_level_set (and interpolated_fem again)

Le mardi 10 juillet 2007 10:32, vous avez écrit :
Dear Yves,

    Thank you very much. There is no memory leakage any more.
By the way, may be you want to know. I noticed that you can't compile some
of the /contrib files anymore with the latest getfem from SVN. For
instance, in xfem_contact you have the line

278:    pfp1 = fem_precomp(pf1, &pai1->integration_points());

while fem_precomp has 3 arguments, so it gives an error. So, I editted it
like this

    pfp1 = fem_precomp(pf1,

and it worked.

After I continued running "make check", there were other compilation
errors, but I didn't go through them anymore.

Ok, I made the corrections. Thank you.

Another question if I may. In it says that
extension of interpolated_fem to vectorial problems is straightforward and
there is a short explanation. Would you be so kind to give a bit more
elaborate explanation on what should there be done in order to do this. Do
you think that somebody from outside of Getfem development crew can do it?

In fact, if you just want to use your interpolated fem on a vectorial problem,
it should work as usual (I think, but I never tried) whenever your original
fem is scalar. To make the things working for original vectorial elements,
real_base_value and grad_base_values functions have to be adapted. But you
have to take into account the fact that the original element can be a direct
product of scalar element or an intrinsic vectorial element (like Raviart
Thomas elements for instance). This is not completely obvious, in fact.

Can you describe a little bit what you expect to do with a vectorial
interpolated fem ? May be there is a better solution than using this


 Yves Renard (address@hidden)       tel : (33)
 Pole de Mathematiques,                       fax : (33)
 Institut Camille Jordan - CNRS UMR 5208
 INSA de Lyon, Universite de Lyon
 20, rue Albert Einstein
 69621 Villeurbanne Cedex, FRANCE

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