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[Gnash-dev] [PATCH] Initial implementation of a cairo renderer

From: Timothy Lee
Subject: [Gnash-dev] [PATCH] Initial implementation of a cairo renderer
Date: Tue, 02 May 2006 15:45:40 +0800
User-agent: Thunderbird 3.0a1 (X11/20060423)

Dear all,

I've implementation a cairo renderer that is semi-working. At least following bugs are known to exist:

   * Bitmap offsets are wrong
   * Bitmaps are not scaled correctly
   * Bitmaps cannot be modulated by a color

I also came across the following issues during the implementation:

   * ogl is hardcoded as the renderer in Makefile and gnash.cpp.  I
     guess work in configure script is needed.
   * The use of TRIANGLE_STRIP in draw_mesh_strip() is non-optimal for
     cairo.  Passing the polygon directly is more efficient.  Maybe
     extend render_handler class with draw_polygon(), and call
     prefer_polygon() to determine whether draw_polygon() should be used?

My knowledge in cairo is limited. It is my hope that the code can be further extended by others to make the cairo renderer on par with the OpenGL one.

diff -u -r1.20
--- backend/ 5 Apr 2006 01:17:45 -0000       1.20
+++ backend/ 2 May 2006 07:26:44 -0000
@@ -76,7 +76,7 @@
 libgnashbackend_la_SOURCES = \
-       render_handler_ogl.cpp  \
+       render_handler_cairo.cpp \
        sound_handler_sdl.cpp \
        gtksup.cpp gtksup.h
diff -u -r1.28 gnash.cpp
--- backend/gnash.cpp   30 Apr 2006 21:14:23 -0000      1.28
+++ backend/gnash.cpp   2 May 2006 07:26:44 -0000
@@ -384,7 +384,7 @@
-        render = gnash::create_render_handler_ogl();
+        render = gnash::create_render_handler_cairo();
diff -u -r1.16 gnash.h
--- server/gnash.h      24 Apr 2006 23:05:56 -0000      1.16
+++ server/gnash.h      2 May 2006 07:26:44 -0000
@@ -164,6 +164,7 @@
 // version of the library, depending on platform etc.
 render_handler*        create_render_handler_xbox();
 render_handler*        create_render_handler_ogl();
+render_handler*        create_render_handler_cairo();
 sound_handler* create_sound_handler_sdl();
// render_handler_cairo.cpp     -- Timothy Lee <address@hidden> 2006

// This source code has been donated to the Public Domain.  Do
// whatever you want with it.

// A render_handler that uses cairo

#include <cairo/cairo.h>
#include <cairo/cairo-xlib.h>
#include "gnash.h"
#include "types.h"
#include "image.h"
#include "utility.h"

#include "log.h"

using namespace gnash;

static cairo_t* g_cr_win = 0;
static cairo_t* g_cr = 0;
Window g_cairo_xwin = 0;

// bitmap_info_cairo declaration
struct bitmap_info_cairo : public gnash::bitmap_info
    // Cairo image surface
    unsigned char*   m_buffer;
    cairo_surface_t* m_image;

    bitmap_info_cairo(int width, int height, Uint8* data);
    bitmap_info_cairo(image::rgb* im);
    bitmap_info_cairo(image::rgba* im);

    ~bitmap_info_cairo() {
        if (m_texture_id)
        if (m_image)  cairo_surface_destroy(m_image);
        if (m_buffer)  delete [] m_buffer;

struct render_handler_cairo : public gnash::render_handler
    // Some renderer state.
    cairo_t*         m_cr_offscreen;
    cairo_t*         m_cr_mask;
    int              m_view_width;
    int              m_view_height;
    // Enable/disable antialiasing.
    bool        m_enable_antialias;
    // Output size.
    float       m_display_width;
    float       m_display_height;
    gnash::matrix       m_current_matrix;
    gnash::cxform       m_current_cxform;
    void set_antialiased(bool enable) {
        m_enable_antialias = enable;
    struct fill_style
        enum mode
        mode    m_mode;
        gnash::rgba     m_color;
        const gnash::bitmap_info*       m_bitmap_info;
        gnash::matrix   m_bitmap_matrix;
        gnash::cxform   m_bitmap_color_transform;
        bool    m_has_nonzero_bitmap_additive_color;

        // Push our style into cairo.
        void apply(/*const matrix& current_matrix*/) const
            assert(m_mode != INVALID);
            if (m_mode == COLOR)
            else if (m_mode == BITMAP_WRAP || m_mode == BITMAP_CLAMP)
                assert(m_bitmap_info != NULL);
                if (m_bitmap_info != NULL)
                    // Set up the texture for rendering.
                        // Do the modulate part of the color
                        // transform in the first pass.  The
                        // additive part, if any, needs to
                        // happen in a second pass.
                        // FIXME!!! bitmap cannot be modulated by RGB
                    cairo_pattern_t* pattern =
                    if (m_mode == BITMAP_CLAMP)
                        cairo_pattern_set_extend(pattern, CAIRO_EXTEND_NONE);
                        cairo_pattern_set_extend(pattern, CAIRO_EXTEND_REPEAT);
                    // Set up the bitmap matrix
                    // FIXME!!! scaling and offset is wrong
                    cairo_matrix_t mat;
                    const gnash::matrix& m = m_bitmap_matrix;
                    cairo_matrix_init(&mat, m.m_[0][0], m.m_[1][0],
                        m.m_[0][1], m.m_[1][1], m.m_[0][2], m.m_[1][2]);
                    cairo_pattern_set_matrix(pattern, &mat);

                    cairo_set_source(g_cr, pattern);
        // Return true if we need to do a second pass to make
        // a valid color.  This is for cxforms with additive
        // parts; this is the simplest way (that we know of)
        // to implement an additive color with stock OpenGL.
        bool    needs_second_pass() const
                if (m_mode == BITMAP_WRAP || m_mode == BITMAP_CLAMP)
                    return m_has_nonzero_bitmap_additive_color;
                    return false;
        // Set OpenGL state for a necessary second pass.
        void    apply_second_pass() const
                // The additive color also seems to be modulated by the 
texture. So,
                // maybe we can fake this in one pass using using the mean 
value of 
                // the colors: c0*t+c1*t = ((c0+c1)/2) * t*2
                // I don't know what the alpha component of the color is for.
                    m_bitmap_color_transform.m_[0][1] / 255.0f,
                    m_bitmap_color_transform.m_[1][1] / 255.0f,
                    m_bitmap_color_transform.m_[2][1] / 255.0f,
                    m_bitmap_color_transform.m_[3][1] / 255.0f);
                glBlendFunc(GL_ONE, GL_ONE);

        void    cleanup_second_pass() const
                glBlendFunc(GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA);

        void    disable()  { m_mode = INVALID; }
        void    set_color(gnash::rgba color)  { m_mode = COLOR; m_color = 
color; }
        void    set_bitmap(const gnash::bitmap_info* bi, const gnash::matrix& 
m, bitmap_wrap_mode wm, const gnash::cxform& color_transform)
                m_mode = (wm == WRAP_REPEAT) ? BITMAP_WRAP : BITMAP_CLAMP;
                m_bitmap_info = bi;
                m_bitmap_matrix = m;
                m_bitmap_color_transform = color_transform;
                m_color = gnash::rgba(
                    Uint8(m_bitmap_color_transform.m_[0][0] * 255.0f),
                    Uint8(m_bitmap_color_transform.m_[1][0] * 255.0f),
                    Uint8(m_bitmap_color_transform.m_[2][0] * 255.0f),
                    Uint8(m_bitmap_color_transform.m_[3][0] * 255.0f));
                if (m_bitmap_color_transform.m_[0][1] > 1.0f
                    || m_bitmap_color_transform.m_[1][1] > 1.0f
                    || m_bitmap_color_transform.m_[2][1] > 1.0f
                    || m_bitmap_color_transform.m_[3][1] > 1.0f)
                        m_has_nonzero_bitmap_additive_color = true;
                        m_has_nonzero_bitmap_additive_color = false;
        bool    is_valid() const { return m_mode != INVALID; }

    // Style state.
    enum style_index
        LEFT_STYLE = 0,

    fill_style  m_current_styles[STYLE_COUNT];

    gnash::bitmap_info* create_bitmap_info_rgb(image::rgb* im)
        // Given an image, returns a pointer to a bitmap_info struct
        // that can later be passed to fill_styleX_bitmap(), to set a
        // bitmap fill style.
            return new bitmap_info_cairo(im);

    gnash::bitmap_info* create_bitmap_info_rgba(image::rgba* im)
        // Given an image, returns a pointer to a bitmap_info struct
        // that can later be passed to fill_style_bitmap(), to set a
        // bitmap fill style.
        // This version takes an image with an alpha channel.
            return new bitmap_info_cairo(im);

    gnash::bitmap_info* create_bitmap_info_empty()
        // Create a placeholder bitmap_info.  Used when
        // DO_NOT_LOAD_BITMAPS is set; then later on the host program
        // can use movie_definition::get_bitmap_info_count() and
        // movie_definition::get_bitmap_info() to stuff precomputed
        // textures into these bitmap infos.
            return new bitmap_info_cairo;

    gnash::bitmap_info* create_bitmap_info_alpha(int w, int h, Uint8* data)
        // Create a bitmap_info so that it contains an alpha texture
        // with the given data (1 byte per texel).
            return new bitmap_info_cairo(w, h, data);

    void        delete_bitmap_info(gnash::bitmap_info* bi)
        // Delete the given bitmap info struct.
            delete bi;

    // Constructor
    render_handler_cairo() :
        m_cr_offscreen(0), m_cr_mask(0), m_view_width(0), m_view_height(0)

    // Destructor
        if (m_cr_mask)  cairo_destroy(m_cr_mask);
        if (m_cr_offscreen)  cairo_destroy(m_cr_offscreen);
        if (g_cr == m_cr_offscreen)  g_cr = 0;

    void        begin_display(
        gnash::rgba background_color,
        int viewport_x0, int viewport_y0,
        int viewport_width, int viewport_height,
        float x0, float x1, float y0, float y1)
        // Set up to render a full frame from a movie and fills the
        // background.  Sets up necessary transforms, to scale the
        // movie to fit within the given dimensions.  Call
        // end_display() when you're done.
        // The rectangle (viewport_x0, viewport_y0, viewport_x0 +
        // viewport_width, viewport_y0 + viewport_height) defines the
        // window coordinates taken up by the movie.
        // The rectangle (x0, y0, x1, y1) defines the pixel
        // coordinates of the movie that correspond to the viewport
        // bounds.
            m_display_width  = fabsf(x1 - x0);
            m_display_height = fabsf(y1 - y0);
            m_view_width  = viewport_width;
            m_view_height = viewport_height;

            // Destroy offscreen surface if size is different
            if (m_cr_offscreen)
                if (m_view_width != viewport_width ||
                    m_view_height != viewport_height)
                    m_cr_offscreen = 0;

            // Create offscreen surface if necessary
            if (!m_cr_offscreen)
                cairo_surface_t* offscreen = cairo_image_surface_create(
                    CAIRO_FORMAT_RGB24, viewport_width, viewport_height);
                m_cr_offscreen = cairo_create(offscreen);
                g_cr = m_cr_offscreen;

            cairo_scale(g_cr, viewport_width / m_display_width,
                viewport_height / m_display_height);
            cairo_translate(g_cr, x0, y0);

            cairo_rectangle(g_cr, x0, y0, m_display_width, m_display_height);

            // Clear the background, if background color has alpha > 0.
            if (background_color.m_a > 0)
                    // Draw a big quad.
                    cairo_rectangle(g_cr, x0, y0, x1, y1);

    void        end_display()
        // Clean up after rendering a frame.  Client program is still
        // responsible for calling glSwapBuffers() or whatever.
            // Setup output window
            if (!g_cr_win)
                Display* xdisp = XOpenDisplay(0);
                Screen*  screen = XDefaultScreenOfDisplay(xdisp);
                Visual*  visual = DefaultVisual(xdisp, DefaultScreen(xdisp));
                int      screen_num = XScreenNumberOfScreen(screen);
                Window   xwin = XCreateWindow(xdisp,
                    RootWindow(xdisp, screen_num),
                    0, 0, m_view_width, m_view_height, 0,
                    CopyFromParent, CopyFromParent, CopyFromParent, 0, 0);
                XMapWindow(xdisp, xwin);
                XRaiseWindow(xdisp, xwin);
                XSync(xdisp, False);
                cairo_surface_t* surface = cairo_xlib_surface_create(
                    xdisp, xwin, visual, m_view_width, m_view_height);
                g_cr_win = cairo_create(surface);

            // Blit offscreen image onto output window 
            cairo_surface_t* offscreen = cairo_get_target(m_cr_offscreen);
            cairo_set_source_surface(g_cr_win, offscreen, 0, 0);

    void        set_matrix(const gnash::matrix& m)
        // Set the current transform for mesh & line-strip rendering.
            m_current_matrix = m;

    void        set_cxform(const gnash::cxform& cx)
        // Set the current color transform for mesh & line-strip rendering.
            m_current_cxform = cx;
    static void apply_matrix(const gnash::matrix& m)
        // add user space transformation
            cairo_matrix_t mat;
            cairo_matrix_init(&mat, m.m_[0][0], m.m_[1][0], m.m_[0][1],
                m.m_[1][1], m.m_[0][2], m.m_[1][2]);
            cairo_transform(g_cr, &mat);

    static void apply_color(const gnash::rgba& c)
        // Set the given color.
                c.m_r / 255.0, c.m_g / 255.0, c.m_b / 255.0, c.m_a / 255.0);

    void        fill_style_disable(int fill_side)
        // Don't fill on the {0 == left, 1 == right} side of a path.
            assert(fill_side >= 0 && fill_side < 2);


    void        line_style_disable()
        // Don't draw a line on this path.

    void        fill_style_color(int fill_side, gnash::rgba color)
        // Set fill style for the left interior of the shape.  If
        // enable is false, turn off fill for the left interior.
            assert(fill_side >= 0 && fill_side < 2);


    void        line_style_color(gnash::rgba color)
        // Set the line style of the shape.  If enable is false, turn
        // off lines for following curve segments.

    void        fill_style_bitmap(int fill_side, const gnash::bitmap_info* bi, 
const gnash::matrix& m, bitmap_wrap_mode wm)
            assert(fill_side >= 0 && fill_side < 2);
            m_current_styles[fill_side].set_bitmap(bi, m, wm, m_current_cxform);
    void        line_style_width(float width)
            cairo_set_line_width(g_cr, width);

    void        draw_mesh_strip(const void* coords, int vertex_count)
            // Set up current style.


            // Draw the tris in cairo
            Sint16* vertex = (Sint16*)coords;
            for (;  vertex_count > 2;  vertex_count--, vertex += 2)
                cairo_move_to(g_cr, vertex[0], vertex[1]);
                cairo_line_to(g_cr, vertex[2], vertex[3]);
                cairo_line_to(g_cr, vertex[4], vertex[5]);

            cairo_surface_t* mask = 0;
            if (m_cr_mask)  mask = cairo_get_target(m_cr_mask);

            if (mask)  cairo_mask_surface(g_cr, mask, 0, 0);
            else  cairo_fill(g_cr);

            if (m_current_styles[LEFT_STYLE].needs_second_pass())
                    vertex = (Sint16*)coords;
                    for (;  vertex_count > 2;  vertex_count--, vertex += 2)
                        cairo_move_to(g_cr, vertex[0], vertex[1]);
                        cairo_line_to(g_cr, vertex[2], vertex[3]);
                        cairo_line_to(g_cr, vertex[4], vertex[5]);
                    if (mask)  cairo_mask_surface(g_cr, mask, 0, 0);
                    else  cairo_fill(g_cr);


    void        draw_line_strip(const void* coords, int vertex_count)
        // Draw the line strip formed by the sequence of points.
            // Set up current style.


            // Draw the line-strip in cairo
            Sint16* vertex = (Sint16*)coords;
            cairo_move_to(g_cr, vertex[0], vertex[1]);
            for (vertex += 2;  vertex_count > 1;  vertex_count--, vertex += 2)
                cairo_line_to(g_cr, vertex[0], vertex[1]);


    void        draw_bitmap(
        const gnash::matrix& m,
        const gnash::bitmap_info* bi,
        const gnash::rect& coords,
        const gnash::rect& uv_coords,
        gnash::rgba color)
        // Draw a rectangle textured with the given bitmap, with the
        // given color.  Apply given transform; ignore any currently
        // set transforms.
        // Intended for textured glyph rendering.


            gnash::point a, b, c, d;
            m.transform(&a, gnash::point(coords.m_x_min, coords.m_y_min));
            m.transform(&b, gnash::point(coords.m_x_max, coords.m_y_min));
            m.transform(&c, gnash::point(coords.m_x_min, coords.m_y_max));
            d.m_x = b.m_x + c.m_x - a.m_x;
            d.m_y = b.m_y + c.m_y - a.m_y;

            // FIXME!!! scaling and offset is wrong
            cairo_matrix_t mat;
            cairo_matrix_init_scale(&mat, coords.m_x_max - coords.m_x_min,
                coords.m_y_max - coords.m_y_min);
            cairo_matrix_init_translate(&mat, coords.m_x_min, coords.m_y_min);

            cairo_matrix_t new_mat;
            cairo_matrix_init(&new_mat, m.m_[0][0], m.m_[1][0], m.m_[0][1],
                m.m_[1][1], m.m_[0][2], m.m_[1][2]);

            cairo_matrix_multiply(&mat, &mat, &new_mat);

            cairo_pattern_t* pattern = 
            cairo_pattern_set_extend(pattern, CAIRO_EXTEND_REPEAT);
            cairo_pattern_set_matrix(pattern, &mat);
            cairo_set_source(g_cr, pattern);

            cairo_move_to(g_cr, a.m_x, a.m_y);
            cairo_line_to(g_cr, b.m_x, b.m_y);
            cairo_line_to(g_cr, c.m_x, c.m_y);
            cairo_line_to(g_cr, d.m_x, d.m_y);
    void begin_submit_mask()
            if (m_cr_mask)  cairo_destroy(m_cr_mask);
            cairo_surface_t* mask = cairo_image_surface_create(
                CAIRO_FORMAT_A8, m_view_width, m_view_height);
            m_cr_mask = cairo_create(mask);

            // Start drawing to the mask
            g_cr = m_cr_mask;
    void end_submit_mask()
            // Finished the mask.  Now draw to offscreen buffer
            g_cr = m_cr_offscreen;
    void disable_mask()
            // Clean up any mask
            if (m_cr_mask)
                m_cr_mask = 0;
                g_cr = m_cr_offscreen;
};      // end struct render_handler_cairo

// bitmap_info_cairo implementation

// Make a placeholder bitmap_info.  Must be filled in later before using.
    m_buffer = 0;
    m_image = 0;
    m_texture_id = 0;
    m_original_width = 0;
    m_original_height = 0;

bitmap_info_cairo::bitmap_info_cairo(int width, int height, Uint8* data)
// Initialize this bitmap_info to an alpha image
// containing the specified data (1 byte per texel).
    assert(width > 0);
    assert(height > 0);

    // Allocate output buffer
    int buf_size = width * height;
    m_buffer = new unsigned char[buf_size];

    // Copy alpha data
    memcpy(m_buffer, data, buf_size);

    // Create the image
    m_original_width  = width;
    m_original_height = height;
    m_image = cairo_image_surface_create_for_data(
        m_buffer, CAIRO_FORMAT_A8, width, height, width);
    m_texture_id = (unsigned int)cairo_pattern_create_for_surface(m_image);

bitmap_info_cairo::bitmap_info_cairo(image::rgb* im)
// Version of the constructor that takes an RGB image.

    // Allocate output buffer
    int buf_size = im->m_width * im->m_height * 4;
    m_buffer = new unsigned char[buf_size];

    // Convert 24-bit BGR data to 32-bit RGB
    unsigned char* dst = m_buffer;
    for (int y = 0;  y < im->m_height;  y++)
        Uint8* src = image::scanline(im, y);
        for (int x = 0;  x < im->m_width;  x++, src += 3)
            *dst++ = src[2];    // blue
            *dst++ = src[1];    // green
            *dst++ = src[0];    // red
            *dst++;             // alpha not used

    // Create the image
    m_original_width  = im->m_width;
    m_original_height = im->m_height;
    m_image = cairo_image_surface_create_for_data(m_buffer,
        CAIRO_FORMAT_RGB24, im->m_width, im->m_height, im->m_width * 4);
    m_texture_id = (unsigned int)cairo_pattern_create_for_surface(m_image);

bitmap_info_cairo::bitmap_info_cairo(image::rgba* im)
// Version of the constructor that takes an image with alpha.

    // Allocate output buffer
    int buf_size = im->m_width * im->m_height * 4;
    m_buffer = new unsigned char[buf_size];

    // Convert BGRA data to ARGB
    unsigned char* dst = m_buffer;
    for (int y = 0;  y < im->m_height;  y++)
        Uint8* src = image::scanline(im, y);
        for (int x = 0;  x < im->m_width;  x++, src += 4)
            *dst++ = src[3];    // blue
            *dst++ = src[2];    // green
            *dst++ = src[1];    // red
            *dst++ = src[0];    // alpha

    // Create the image
    m_original_width  = im->m_width;
    m_original_height = im->m_height;
    m_image = cairo_image_surface_create_for_data(m_buffer,
        CAIRO_FORMAT_ARGB32, im->m_width, im->m_height, im->m_width * 4);
    m_texture_id = (unsigned int)cairo_pattern_create_for_surface(m_image);

gnash::render_handler*  gnash::create_render_handler_cairo()
// Factory.
    return new render_handler_cairo;

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