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Re: [Gnewsense-dev] Compiling Iceweasel

From: Marcus Moeller
Subject: Re: [Gnewsense-dev] Compiling Iceweasel
Date: Wed, 14 Jan 2015 17:02:25 +0100
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Dear Sam.

Are you compiling with: --with-system-libvpx which could be a

I did try that, but iceweasel wants a version of libvpx that is newer
than the package in Wheezy, so it's configured to use its own in-tree
version. I then tried --disable-webm, but that resulted in the error
with which I started this thread.

I'm now doing another test build on the Yeeloong with the unmodified
iceweasel source. As expected, it seems stuck on the libvpx part again.
I'm going to give it even more time now, though I find it hard to
believe that it's doing anything useful at this point. I suspect
there's a Yeeloong specific bug in gcc that causes an infinite loop,
but I wasn't planning on tracing that. The other option is backporting
libvpx from Sid.

Backporting libvpx could be a valid option.

I vote for iceweasel as an available option. I personally don't care if it's installed by default. So we could even push the release and offer iceweasel at a later state.

Btw. is one of you guys going to FOSDEM?


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