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[Gnu-arch-users] making zsh more useful for arching

From: Andreas Fuchs
Subject: [Gnu-arch-users] making zsh more useful for arching
Date: Thu, 4 Sep 2003 22:11:45 +0000 (UTC)


something about zsh in combination with arch has bothered me for too
long: it tries to translate =directories into commands. Also, completion
doesn't do what you'd expect when you want it to complete
=directories. There are a few ways to work around this:

* use ./=directory. This way, completion and cd don't misbehave.
* add "setopt NOEQUALS" to your .zshrc; This way, "cd =build" does what
  you expect, but completion tries to complete command names.

Miciah on the #zsh channel on freenode helped me figure out the last
bit to make it work perfectly (for me):

* keep the "setopt NOEQUALS", and change this line in
  if compset -P 1 '='; then
  to read:
  if [[ $CURRENT -eq 1 ]] && compset -P 1 '='; then

so now, you can complete "naked" =dirs and be happy. If you're missing
"ls -l =lp" (I don't), try this:

alias -g '/.'='which -a'
ls -l `/. lp`

(yeah, yeah, global aliases are evil and all. so is = (-;)

Have fun,
Andreas Fuchs, <address@hidden>, address@hidden, antifuchs

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