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Re: [Gnu-arch-users] SFTP locations

From: Stephen J. Turnbull
Subject: Re: [Gnu-arch-users] SFTP locations
Date: Tue, 16 Sep 2003 04:03:40 +0900
User-agent: Gnus/5.1001 (Gnus v5.10.1) XEmacs/21.4 (Portable Code, linux)

>>>>> "Jonathan" == Jonathan Walther <address@hidden> writes:

    Jonathan> That doesn't make sense then; why is ssh ignoring my
    Jonathan> instruction to use protocol 1 that I put in .ssh/config?

It probably is using Protocol 1.  Have you run with sftp/ssh -v to see
what it's actually using?  The problem is that Protocol 1 does not
provide the support that Protocol 2 does for sftp, so it requires more
trickiness, which tla doesn't do.  So you get a Protocol 1 SSH
connection, but then breakage at some later stage of the setup of the
sftp channel that is layered over the SSH connection.

    >> I wonder if the answer to Jonathan Walters's question might not
    >> be in the "command" option in the authorized_keys file; use
    >> /usr/lib/sftp-server there?  Cf sshd_config(5).

    Jonathan> Can you explain a bit more?

Basically, what happens with (interactive) sftp is that you ssh to the
remote host, and invoke a file browser, which is /usr/lib/sftp-server.
If you get a file, it sends that back over the open channel (ie,
sharing the control == browser connection with the data == file
transfer connection).  For this to work reliably, some magic is done
with the protocol, I suppose.  This works best in protocol 2 which has
special support for it, called a "subsystem".

In protocol 1, you have to invoke the server directly, since there is
no subsystem support.  How this works in detail, I don't know.

    Jonathan> The sshd(5) manpage describes the command option, but
    Jonathan> I'm not clear on what putting /usr/lib/sftp-server there
    Jonathan> would do?

Every ssh login would automatically turn into an sftp session.
Unfortunately, I can't say with any confidence that it would work.

I'm just guessing.  I know that "ssh -1 -s $REMOTE
/usr/lib/sftp-server" does not do anything useful for me, but there is
no error and the transport channel is apparently open.  Perhaps tla
can use it.

    Jonathan> Also, I don't have an authorized savannah key; Savannah
    Jonathan> has made my regular key authorized.

If you have a shell account, you just ssh-keygen another key, and add
it to authorized_keys with the appropriate magic for command.  If you
can't do that, then you're stuck.  And it's possible that Savannah
doesn't allow that; I believe it's possible to turn off the command
facility (or maybe it's the environment-setting facility), although I
don't know why you'd want to.

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