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[Gnu-arch-users] Re: ego and the contest, was: Service U

From: Miles Bader
Subject: [Gnu-arch-users] Re: ego and the contest, was: Service Update: CVS
Date: 23 Sep 2003 11:08:22 +0900

Tupshin Harper <address@hidden> writes:
> >I'm happily using tla to manage my emacs hacking, and so far I've had
> >little problem remaining in sync with CVS (with changes flowing in both
> >directions).  It's quite nice actually.
> Is there a HOWTO on this...any general pointers?

I'm not aware any HOWTO, but it's generally pretty simple -- setup a
source tree to act as the `gateway' sources, and make sure it's both a
CVS working dir (has CVS dirs) and an arch project tree (has {arch} dir).

To sync:

  (1) Do `cvs update'

  (2) For each pending arch changeset:
        A. replay the changeset into the the current source tree.
        B. Fix up any conflicts.  Of particular note is ChangeLog
           conflicts, which happen quite often, but are usually easy to
           handle automatically.
        C. Do any cvs adds/rms necessary.
        D. Make a log file to use for cvs checkin (probably based on
           the changeset's log text).
        E. cvs commit the files changed by the arch changeset

  (3) Finally, commit the previously checked out CVS changes (which have
      been sitting in the project tree since step 1) as a new arch
      changeset.  I make no attempt at identifying `changesets' from CVS
      because it just doesn't work with the emacs tree (maybe it would
      with other projects that use more disciplined CVS checkins).

[Insert conflict and consistency checks liberally.]

I use a shell script to do all of the above; see `tla-cvs-sync' in
address@hidden/tla-tools *


* address@hidden is available at
"Most attacks seem to take place at night, during a rainstorm, uphill,
 where four map sheets join."   -- Anon. British Officer in WW I

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