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[Gnu-arch-users] Re: corrupt library (failed inode signature validation)

From: Stefan Monnier
Subject: [Gnu-arch-users] Re: corrupt library (failed inode signature validation)
Date: 15 Feb 2004 18:44:01 -0500
User-agent: Gnus/5.09 (Gnus v5.9.0) Emacs/21.3.50

> Which `mixture' is appropriate depends a lot on your specific usage
> patterns and how good the communication between is between you and the
> remote archive.

I have enough disk space.  I just want to minimize network use, especially
on my laptop.  I'm quite willing to clean up my cache manually if it ever
grows too large, although some automatic tool would be better to avoid
pilot errors.

> It could simply keep a full mirror/revlib for _everything_ you access
> remotely, but obviously for many projects (e.g. emacs) that would
> require a much bigger dedication of disk space,

Bigger, sure, but "much bigger"?  Really?
The set of patches don't seem to use that much more space than the few
revision kept in my library (at least for the Emacs stuff I've used so far).

> and also introduces the question: when does it make the mirror?

First time you access a new archive?

> If it's in response to an attempt to access a particular bit of
> information, that could slow down the request dramatically -- and you
> might never actually follow through and _use_ the mirrored information.

Why would that slow things down so much?  It shouldn't require any
additional network communication and would just involve creating a few dirs,
and stashing the data sucked from the archive into the cache.
What am I missing?


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