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Re: [Gnu-arch-users] tag'ged (branched) and cacherev'ed archive dependen

From: Cameron Patrick
Subject: Re: [Gnu-arch-users] tag'ged (branched) and cacherev'ed archive dependency?
Date: Fri, 20 Feb 2004 14:04:43 +0800
User-agent: Mutt/

Rodrigo Bernardo Pimentel wrote:

|         Hmmm... True, it doesn't. Do I have to cacherev
| address@hidden/zzbot--devel--0.1, is that it?

Probably.  (Unless there's something else going wrong too - that's
always a possibility...)

| Shouldn't archive-mirror do that for me?

It'll only do it for you if the revision was cached when cacherev copied
it the first time.  If you e.g. commit a revision, mirror it, then cache
it, the mirror won't have the cached version.  On the other hand, if you
commit, cache, then mirror, the mirror /will/ have the cacherev.

| > That said, deleting the old archive is a generally bad idea, as you lose
| > access to the detailed history.
|         I noticed that, I'll probably keep it somewhere. But, again,
| shouldn't cacherev include the detailed history for the projects in
| question?

Why should it?  It's primarily there for performance reasons, to make it
faster to check out a revision than downloading the initial version and
apply every patch since the dawn of time.  If you want the history, you
can check out the /other/ revisions.  (The cacherev will still contain
all of the commit logs from previous revisions but not the actual
contents of the changesets.)

| Sometimes you just have to erase an archive (say, you'll have to
| format the machine, or you find out you made a mess out of it, or your
| hard drive crashes and you simply lose it all)...

Protecting against a lack of backups is not what cacherevs are for.  If
the archive is important to you, keep mirrors of it in several locations.


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