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Re: [Gnu-arch-users] Some issues

From: Andrew Suffield
Subject: Re: [Gnu-arch-users] Some issues
Date: Wed, 9 Jun 2004 17:11:51 +0100
User-agent: Mutt/1.5.6+20040523i

On Wed, Jun 09, 2004 at 11:37:35PM +0800, Cameron Patrick wrote:
> > GNU arch does not support a centralized development model which lacks
> > a single, designated committer.
> Yes, it does.  I use it that way with no problems.
> (The initial set-up required being careful with umasks though, and
> it'd be really great if arch would support the concept of a
> "per-archive umask" that it would set before writing to an archive.
> Perhaps it would be better to see this implented at a filesystem level
> but I don't think it'll happen -- although ACLs may come close.)

POSIX ACLs are a complete solution to this problem, so it's already
happened. You still have to avoid being a dick with your umask, of
course - umask is widely considered to be a *good* feature, not one
which filesystems and applications should go out of their way to
break. A "per-archive umask" would be tla going out of its way to
break umask. If you want some processes to use a different umask, fix
your login scripts to stop assigning one you did not want.

> > In practice, tla requires four inodes per file in a checked-out
> > project tree: one for the file, one for the file ID, and a a pristine
> > copy of both. This gracious use of inodes can cause problems.
> *shrug*  It's only twice as many inodes as svn uses.  It could be
> improved, though, but I don't see "lack of inodes" as being a serious
> problem.  My /home partition is a bog-standard ext3 FS and it is 70%
> full space-wise and only 18% full inode-wise.  I suppose it'd be more
> of a problem if a filesystem was used only to store arch trees, but
> who does that? :-P

If you were doing that, then you should probably have used mke2fs -T news.

This is not a new problem and it's not specific to tla (the name of
the argument should give you a hint as to where else it occurs) - the
default parameters of mke2fs are largely guesswork, and you're
expected to fill in the ones which are wrong.

  .''`.  ** Debian GNU/Linux ** | Andrew Suffield
 : :' : |
 `. `'                          |
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