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Re: [Gnu-arch-users] arch roadmap 1 (and "what's tom up to")

From: Aaron Bentley
Subject: Re: [Gnu-arch-users] arch roadmap 1 (and "what's tom up to")
Date: Wed, 30 Jun 2004 16:13:13 -0400
User-agent: Mozilla Thunderbird 0.5 (X11/20040309)

Tom Lord wrote:

So, even if you believe furth sucks and language X is better, when
Furth hits arch, most of the resulting work will benefit an X-binding
as well.

It's not that I think Furth sucks. It's that I don't have an opinion of Furth, and I hope I don't have to aquire one.

    > - No one knows Furth

You do in the sense that it's a simpler and more general experession
of the essense of your favorite language.

Until you've written code in Furth, even *you* don't really know it. As for me, I don't doubt that I could learn Furth, but I picked up Python a month ago, and I'd rather focus on that. Furth raises the barrier to entry for tla development and possibly for Arch use as well. It has the potential to reduce the pool of users and contributors to those who are willing to learn a new language.

    > - Furth will take time and effort to develop

To quote some quoters who found a choice quote:

  A line may take us hours, yet if it does not seem a moment's thought
  All our stitching and unstitching has been as nought.

Okay, let me put it more bluntly. Furth will take *your* time and effort away from tla. I'm sure you're enjoying breathing life into Furth, but since you're tla's maintainer, tla can't progress very far while your energies are directed elsewhere.

Less flippantly, the core "inner interpreter" for furth is weighing in
at under 3k lines of code.  I think it will be easier to spin off tiny
(but all compatible) little languages for arch based on this than by
any other approach.

This suggests that in order to parse these files in other languages, we'll have to implement Furth. I hope that's not the case. Current Arch configuration files are far more tractable.

The worst case is that you can think of Furth as little or nothing
more than that part of the arch API which makes bindings to other
languages easier.

No, the worst case is that Furth takes more than it gives. I'm not saying that *will* happen, but I'm not saying it won't.


Aaron Bentley
Director of Technology
Panometrics, Inc.

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