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Re: The JobOffer.php is not "HTML 4.01 Transitional" valid

From: Davi Leal
Subject: Re: The JobOffer.php is not "HTML 4.01 Transitional" valid
Date: Fri, 6 Apr 2007 12:14:00 +0200
User-agent: KMail/1.9.5

MJ Ray wrote:
> Davi Leal wrote:
> > The "Job_Offer.php" page has some errors, which I think we will
> > not able to fix?.  If curious read its CVS log. Therefore, I will
> > close this task:
> I probably don't understand what that page is trying to do (it
> variously tells me to log in first or that access is not granted to
> me),

That is the Access Control List (ACL) working.

Obviously, it is needed to register and log in at GNU Herds to access to the 
form which allows to fill or update a job offer at the GNU Herds webapp.  
That is to say, it is not allowed to fill an anonymous job offer.

Access Control List:

  * If you are not logged   you are not allowed to access it.

  * Due to such form is for edit the job offer, if you are
    not the owner,   you are not allowed to access it.

  * Anyway, you can access this
    just being logged, due to it is not for edit an old offer
    but create a new one.


> but why not put some <option ... />s into the select tag?  Could 
> be more accessible than whatever that is doing with javascript.

Yes, the JavaScript fills those four <select>s elements with its proper 
<option>s. The problem is that such option values are dynamically created 
while the user is working on his browser.

If we add some dumb <option> when the server send the web page to the user 
browser, just to pass the W3C checker and so be specification compliant, the 
JavaScript will have to remove it, before start to run.   It is too much 
complex. Maybe it is better leave it as it is now?. There is others tasks 
more important for me. Here all are free to do what we want.

CVS log at

P.S.: Thanks for your comments MJ. They are really really appreciated. Let me 
know if you yet disagree.  Though you disagree, I think I will not carry out 
such modification now, at least your rationale expose it be very important. 
It is due I have others tasks: I am going to add the for=".." to the labels.  
However it is necessary to know your opinion. I have took note about it in 
the Savannah Task Manager to be analyzed later. I have opened again that 
task, but with very low priority:

If you register at our savannah project following the below steps you will 
able to raise the level of a tasks, etc.


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