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Re: JavaScript-enabled required -- bug?

From: Davi Leal
Subject: Re: JavaScript-enabled required -- bug?
Date: Wed, 11 Apr 2007 11:15:49 +0200 (CEST)

MJ Ray wrote:
> Davi Leal wrote:
> > MJ Ray wrote: [...]
> > > but why not put some <option ... />s into the select tag?  Could
> > > be more accessible than whatever that is doing with javascript.
> >
> > Yes, the JavaScript fills those four <select>s elements with its proper
> > <option>s. The problem is that such option values are dynamically created
> > while the user is working on his browser.
> So how do users of non-JavaScript-enabled browser use that page?
> There should at least be a route through the site for privacy-enhanced
> and 'light' (handheld devices and so on) browsers.  Sometimes this is
> done by having a dummy '--Please submit to show these options--'
> option which is changed to '--Please select the above box first--'
> onload.

For privacy-enhanced we are using HTTPS when the webpage use forms. Must
we do something more?.

For 'light' (handheld, etc.),  we have not tested the webapp with handheld
devices. We should check how it looks and works. Maybe the heading and
menu, and even the content-forms sections will be too much huge for such
devices?. -- I will add a new task to our Task Manager at Savannah, if
some of you do not realize it before I do.

With the current source code, the JobOffer and Qualifications forms
require JavaScript support being present and enabled in the client
browser.  I agree with you!. That could be a problem!.

Google mail besides its JavaScript (AJAX) webapp version, offers a plain HTML 
which curiously does not include the DOCTYPE type!. Does anyone of you
know why gmail and does not include the DOCTYPE in its pages?.

The problem with the JobOffer and Qualifications forms of our webapp is
that they are very complex.  I did not know how to develpop a version
without the 'handy' Javascript 'help'. I think that this problem can be a
bug. -- Another new task.

Fortunately we have already:

  * removed the JavaScript code which was being used to change the
    Language at the page heading.

  * replaced <a href="javascript:/"> with <label>. So the popups are shown
    if JavaScript is enabled (as an extra functionality), but if
    JavaScript is disabled we do not get a link which does not work, as

Google has developed both an AJAX and a plain-HTML version of its gmail
webapp. We could keep our almost plain-HTML version, and modify or develop
a new version of our two forms which require JavaScript?.

I think we have not to develop a full AJAX version because we have a lot
of dumb static and form pages which even does not need simple JavaScript.

What webapp architecture fit with our needs?.


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