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Re: Fwd: I want more <div>s to work on :)

From: Victor Engmark
Subject: Re: Fwd: I want more <div>s to work on :)
Date: Thu, 26 Apr 2007 11:53:09 +0200

On 4/17/07, Davi Leal <address@hidden> wrote:
Victor Engmark wrote:
> Davi Leal wrote:

> >    - Maybe we should split the page into several? I'd suggest the
> > >      following structure:
> > >      - Introduction
> > >      - Installation and configuration
> > >      - Help / other
> >
> > I disagree. The page is large, but with "Back to top" it will be OK, as
> > the current one.
> It's not so much about just the size, more about grouping information
> according to usage. But it's not a big deal; on an end-user page this would
> be a lot more serious <>.

So, you are talking about grouping the current index with some
sections?.  I think that at least we should take a look to that proposal!.
So, please send another version of the hacker's guide applying such idea,
before I begin to convert it to <div>.

Could you add the task and assign it to me? I might have time next week, but not right now.

I think that the FAQ page will not need such grouping due to it is not so
large. Isn't it?.

It'll probably be much larger by the time we get into a stable phase. But ATM there shouldn't be a need for it.

> > Note:  About the UTF-8 section, I think we must just advice to install
> > and use UTF-8 as de default encoding in the system.  So the developers get
> > less troubles.
> I agree - Developers should be able to configure this (maybe we could
> include a link to a tutorial or something), and specific instructions won't
> work on all platforms.

Well, we can say something like: "install UFT-8 as default in your
system", and they will ask or read any documentation proper for their
operating system.

We could also provide links to general-purpose articles explaining the how and why. That's one of the things I often miss from public FAQs. Linking also means we'll have less to maintain and translate.

Victor Engmark
Quidquid latine dictum sit, altum videtur - What is said in Latin, sounds profound
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