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Re: optimization of the Hacker's Guide section

From: Davi Leal
Subject: Re: optimization of the Hacker's Guide section
Date: Thu, 26 Apr 2007 14:38:30 +0200
User-agent: KMail/1.9.5

Victor Engmark wrote:
> Davi Leal wrote:
> Could you add the task and assign it to me? I might have time next week,
> but not right now.



As exposed in the <div> I sent you, I propose move the content of the below 
section to wiki pages hosted at Savannah. So we will not have to translate 

  7. Internationalization and Localization
  14. The PostgreSQL data base
  16. How to install a development environment?

As we have already done with the below section:
  10. Wikis

What do you think?. If you think it is right, I will do such modifications 
before you work on the reorganization the next week.

P.S.: I have added you admin permissions at the Savannah project, so you have 
less problems to carry out anything.

> > Well, we can say something like: "install UFT-8 as default in your
> > system", and they will ask or read any documentation proper for their
> > operating system.
> We could also provide links to general-purpose articles explaining the how
> and why. That's one of the things I often miss from public FAQs. Linking
> also means we'll have less to maintain and translate.

I think it should be kept at a wiki page at Savannah, without translations.

What do you think about all this?.

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