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[Gomp-discuss] Somethings to think about ....

From: Lars Segerlund
Subject: [Gomp-discuss] Somethings to think about ....
Date: Mon, 10 Mar 2003 13:44:36 +0100
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i586; en-US; rv:1.2.1) Gecko/20021226 Debian/1.2.1-9

 Hi again,

I did read Diego's thesis rather thoroughly this weekend, and I'm curious if anybody else have done this ? Also I have looked a bit about how to do optimizations for chip synthesis, ( which is where the ssa form originates from if I'm not totally wrong :-) ) ... and there was some usefull stuff there too.

I have also been looking at the linux support for MP, and NUMA ( which was added lately ), and linux does support affinity and NUMA in the latest kernels, however to take maximum advantage of this it would be quite resonable to do a native port to linux ( using clone instead of any thread library ), and only implement the synchronization element's needed by openMP.

Still the first thing to do is to get openMP running with a threading library, and perhaps ( if smp safe ) a semaphore library.

As for the tasks ahead, I think it's not to hard to use the framework in the paper to target the GENERIC tree's ( which is the most resonable form to target IMHO ). The algoritms for an rather good implementation seem's to all be there, and the nice part is that if we extend the pragma handling and add a -fgomp to gcc, we should be able to leave most of the regulat stuff in place.

I do however have a question, I know gcc does support barriers, but to what extent and in what context ? As far as I understand it it supports barriers which prevents sections of code to be handled together, ( tus enforcing separate optimization ). I'm still looking, but does anybody know if this is correct ?

I thought that we might as well start documenting what we want to do with gcc, the trees and what we have to modify.

 / regards, Lars Segerlund.

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