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Re: [gpsd-dev] PPS not showing in gpsmon/gpsd on RPi 3

From: Hal Murray
Subject: Re: [gpsd-dev] PPS not showing in gpsmon/gpsd on RPi 3
Date: Sat, 23 Apr 2016 13:41:06 -0700

address@hidden said:
> Nothing confusing to gpsd at all.  gpsd is just reporting there is no PPS or
> PPS available on that serial line.  Which is exactly true.  Maybe the
> message could be clearer. 

Just to add to the confusion....

There are two cases of "no PPS".  One is that nothing is wired to that pin.  
The other is that everything is wired up correctly, but the GPS device is 
smart enough to mask off the PPS when it isn't valid, for example when first 
powered on and it isn't listening to any satellites yet.

After you get going, there are still two cases when things stop working.  Did 
rain or whatever cause the number of satellites the receiver can hear to fall 
too low, or did the cable get unplugged?

These are my opinions.  I hate spam.

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