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[rgui-dev] [Fwd: RE: wxRuby]

From: Tom Sawyer
Subject: [rgui-dev] [Fwd: RE: wxRuby]
Date: 28 Aug 2002 08:02:54 -0600

thought i'd forward this. Bob has offered to put some effort into one of
the backends too. so things are shaping up nicely in this regard. if i can just find a Mac guy.

--- Begin Message --- Subject: RE: wxRuby Date: Wed, 28 Aug 2002 08:41:02 -0400

Well, I've wanted to work on wxWindows before there was a GUtopIa project,
and my main reasons for doing it were 1. I like Ruby, 2. I like wxWindows,
and 3. It occurred to me that it would be cool to be able to drive wxWindows
with Ruby.

I'm not broken up at all if GUtopIa goes in a different direction, nor do I
strictly speaking feel any pressure, really, to get wxRuby done "asap".
That's what day jobs and families are for. ;)

I would like to work separately on GUtopIa windows extensions, since that
seems to me a more approachable goal, in terms of obtaining near-term
tangible sense of accomplishment, so any such interest you have in tasking
me with implementing some specific things (I can handle Windows or Linux)
would be welcome.


Bob Calco

%% -----Original Message-----
%% From: Tom Sawyer [mailto:address@hidden
%% Sent: Wednesday, August 28, 2002 6:05 AM
%% To: address@hidden
%% Subject: RE: wxRuby
%% hi Bob,
%% i suspect you haven't had time to keep up with GUtopIa dev mailing list.
%% i wish you were, b/c some major changes are taking place.
%% first of all, i'm getting major "motivationals" to utilize eclipse's SWT
%% C libraries for GUtopIa. Luarent made a strong argument that this was
%% the way to go, also arguing that wxWindows and Fox are exlusionary to
%% GUtopIa. read for yourself:
%% <snip>
%% Once wxRuby is ready that would be a good choice. However when wxRuby is
%% ready one can (rightly) argue that we have solved the GUItopia problem.
%% A unique Ruby API to develop GUI on many platforms which is exactly the
%% reason wxWindows was developped in the first place.
%% From a design and architecture stand point, using FOX as a backend
%% appeals the exact same comment. FOX *is* cross-platform on Linux and
%% WIndows and there are persistent rumors that a Mac port could come. So
%% again one could argue that given the fact we have the remarkable FXRuby
%% interface to FOX, the GUItopia problem is already solved.
%% </snip>
%% the bottom line to all this is that it has been determined that one way
%% or another, either with existing bindings, SWT, or directly with
%% Ruby/DL, we are going to interface GUtopIa to each platform separately.
%% thus wxRuby won't be required.
%% i am sorry to inform you of this. i don't know how heart-set you were on
%% it. i hope you understand. it's just the way things progressed. wanting
%% to get GUtopIa out the door as soon as possible, i think this is the
%% proper move. and of course if you still want in bind wxRuby to GUtopIa
%% when its ready you are free to do so.
%% but perhaps i would be able to encourage you to help us in some other
%% respect? since GUtopIa will take care of what everyone had been wanting
%% wxRuby for, the pressure there is off. you don't need to worry about it
%% unless you still really want to. but if not, i will be looking for
%% someone to do the Windows Interface and a Mac interface. Once i work out
%% an intitial GTK interface that can be used as a model, so it won't be
%% terribly hard. in fact i imagine it will be quite easy in comparison to
%% other things you work on. would you be interested in one of those?
%% thanks again Bob, and like i said, sorry that wxRuby won't be a part of
%% GutopIa's primariy direction as i originally thought it would be.
%% ~tom
%% On Thu, 2002-08-15 at 06:34, Bob Calco wrote:
%% > transami:
%% >
%% > It's actually starting to come along. I hope to have the basic
%% project up
%% > soon. Thanks for the ping and the news about ParaGUI bindings
%% up and coming.
%% >
%% > I'll announce the project status fairly regularly once I've
%% got the basic
%% > project code up there and one or two developers contributing.
%% >
%% > :)
%% >
%% > Bob Calco
%% >
%% > %% -----Original Message-----
%% > %% From: Tom Sawyer [mailto:address@hidden
%% > %% Sent: Thursday, August 15, 2002 7:14 AM
%% > %% To: Bob Calco
%% > %% Subject: wxRuby
%% > %%
%% > %%
%% > %% hi Bob,
%% > %%
%% > %% just wanted to ask you how wxRuby is coming along?
%% > %%
%% > %% also, FYI, Leon Torres is working on a ParaGUI binding. so
%% it looks like
%% > %% Ruby will soon have the best of all GUI worlds! :-) GUtopIa
%% is looking
%% > %% to fully support (well, as fully as possible) three of these GUI
%% > %% backends: Ruby-Wine, wxWindows, and ParaGUI.
%% > %%
%% > %% thanks and continuing good forutunes,
%% > %% tom (aka transami)
%% > %%
%% >
%% >
%% >
%% --
%% ~transami

--- End Message ---

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