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[Gzz] Re: RDF vocabulary

From: Benja Fallenstein
Subject: [Gzz] Re: RDF vocabulary
Date: Fri, 07 Mar 2003 16:02:18 +0100
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Matti Katila wrote:
On Fri, 7 Mar 2003, Benja Fallenstein wrote:

and do we have a specific place(aka path) to collect them

We don't so far. In Gzz, we had gzz.zzutil.Ids and I think there was a PPIds class too (?).

PPDims perhaps. Anyway, it's obsolete.

org/fenfire/vocabulary/PPVocab.java is one option,

I like that. Short enough to say 'PPVocab.CreationTime' and so.

Not an argument, with org/fenfire/modules/pp/PPVocab.java you'd also be saying 'PPVocab.CreationTime' :-)

Some questions:
 -What uri should I use for new things?

    Resource paper = model.createResource(uri);
    URN5 for uri?

Yes. Feel free to move URN5Namespace to Fenfire CVS.

-And the another question was about the node's content but I don't know how to ask it :) If you like to code the 'text' part of:
       public String newNote(String paperURI, int x, int y, String text)
  you probably give me the best answer.

You mean how you represent the text in a PP note? You asked that on IRC earlier, and I asked back: Should PP notes be sharable (cloneable) between papers (so that changing them on one paper changes them on the other paper)? Should 'anything' (text, images, emails, vector graphics, ...) be able to be a pp note? Or should this be limited to text/images?

Or more to the point: Should the PP *vocabulary* support this? PP probably won't, but it would be nice to use the same vocab for other spatial structure applitudes.

I didn't get an answer to this yet...

- Benja

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