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[VCDImager] SVCD still image generation -- testers wanted...

From: Herbert Valerio Riedel
Subject: [VCDImager] SVCD still image generation -- testers wanted...
Date: Fri, 24 Aug 2001 17:23:38 +0200 (CEST)

*WARNING* this is not for the unexperienced vcdimager users! :-)

well, I told you that there's development going on for still picture
generation... the mjpegtools in cvs are starting to create such still
picutre mpegs!

but now we'll have to do some testing, in order to fine tune
encoding parameters and improve compatibility...

get some mjpegtools created still images encoded with various frame
sizes at

there's a template .xml file as well, it's not very practical...
it's just a template to get you started faster... you'll have to provide
some motion video as avseq.m2p...

this should be enough information for you to test the stills... and you
can stop reading :-)

if you want to encode them, read below...

how those streams were created...

...just imagine what becomes possible by the use of the netpbm tools
(scripting of filtering, mixing, labeling, scaling etc...) :-)

 *) MJPEGTOOLs CVS checkout
 *) ppmtoyuv4mpeg
 *) netpbm tools

the m2v elementary streams where created like this:

ppmmake black 704 480 | ppmtoyuv4mpeg | _mpeg2enc -f 7 -T 30 -o black_ntsc.m2v

ppmmake black 704 576 | ppmtoyuv4mpeg | _mpeg2enc -f 7 -T 30 -o black_pal.m2v

for A in 30 60 120 160 200
    pnmscale -xsize=704 -ysize=480 mozilla.ppm | \
    ppmntsc | \
    ppmtoyuv4mpeg | \
    mpeg2enc -f 7 -T $A -o mozilla_ntsc_$A.m2v

    pnmscale -xsize=704 -ysize=576 mozilla.ppm | \
    ppmntsc --pal | \
    ppmtoyuv4mpeg | \
    mpeg2enc -f 7 -T $A -o mozilla_pal_$A.m2v

the m2v -> m2p step is easy...
for A in *.m2v
 do mplex -f 7 $A -o `basename $A .m2v`.m2p

ps: lo-res VCD stills should work as well, but I haven't tested them
yet... any help is highly welcomed! mixed hi/lo-res still streams need
still some work in the multiplexer...

Herbert Valerio Riedel       /    Phone: (EUROPE) +43-1-58801-18840
Email: address@hidden       /    Finger address@hidden for GnuPG Public Key
GnuPG Key Fingerprint: 7BB9 2D6C D485 CE64 4748  5F65 4981 E064 883F 4142

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