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Re: Question about customizing emmentaler font

From: Urs Liska
Subject: Re: Question about customizing emmentaler font
Date: Sat, 03 May 2014 19:03:08 +0200
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux i686; rv:24.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/24.5.0

Am 03.05.2014 18:37, schrieb tisimst:
Once "font.scm" is replaced with the updated one, the following should work
in place of the usual way of  changing entire document fonts

So, you are actually saying:

- with a little modification in the Scheme files
- and .otf fonts that match the LilyPond mapping
  such as Gonville, your modification, or
  any modification one could do with a custom
  LilyPond build
- LilyPond could switch fonts?

Does that imply that one could create with reasonable effort a script that can take a (suitably licensed) font with a different mapping (e.g. SMuFL) and make that font thus usable with LilyPond, at least as far as the glyph coverage is compatible?

That would be GREAT!


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