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Re: Extra bar at the end.

From: Mats Bengtsson
Subject: Re: Extra bar at the end.
Date: Thu, 20 Jan 2005 16:22:06 +0100
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:1.7.3) Gecko/20040913

Did you check the duration of the final notes?
The final note of \bass is a dotted half note, whereas that
of the other parts is just a half note.


Gordon Gilbert wrote:

What am I missing here? Using 2.2.2, the PDF output has an extra bar at the very end of the bass clef (but not in the treble clef). I've checked all my notes and words, and everything seems correct, but there is that strange extra empty bar.


Gordon Gilbert

    |                 Angels' Roost Farm                  |
    |       Rev. Dn. Gordon Gilbert & Susan Gilbert       |
    |                   705-549-5056                      |
    |                address@hidden                  |
    |                address@hidden                 |


\header {
        filename = ""
        enteredby = "Gordon Gilbert"
        composer = "Helen H. Lemmel"
        poet = "Helen H. Lemmel"
        title = "Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus"
        metre = "Lemmel 98. 98. and Refrain"
        meter = \metre
        copyright = "Singspriation Inc"
        style = "Hymn"
        mutopiacomposer = \composer
        maintainer = "Gordon Gilbert"
        maintainerEmail = "address@hidden"
        lastupdated = "2005/Jan/17"

\version "2.2.2"
%shorthand for Skip Lyric
sl = \notes { \skip 4 }

global=\notes {
        \set Staff.minimumVerticalExtent = #'(-4 . 4)
    \time 3/4 \key f \major
    \partial 4
    \skip 2.*17 \bar "||"
    \skip 2.*15 \bar "||"

sop = \context Voice = "sop" \notes  {
        a'4 |
        a' gis' a' |
        c'' bes' a' |
        a'2. |
        g'2 d'4 |
        f' e' f' |
        a' g' c' |
        a'2. ~ |
        a'2 a'8( a') |
        a'4 gis' a' |
        d'' c'' a' |
        a'2. |
        g'2 g'4 |
        a' b' c'' |
        e' f' d' |
        c'2. ~ c'

% chorus
        a'2^\markup{ \large Refrain } a'4 |
        c''4. a'8 g'4 |
        f'2. |
        f'2 f'4 |
        bes' bes' bes' |
        d'' bes' a' |
        g'2. ~ |
        g'2 a'8 bes'
        c''2 c''4 |
        c'' a' g' |
        f'2 f'4 |
        f'2 f'8 g' |
        a'4. g'8 a'4 |
        bes' a' g' |
        f'2. ~ |

alto=\context Voice = "alto" \notes  {
        f'4 |
        f' f' f' |
        f' f' ees' |
        d'2. |
        d'2 d'4 |
        c' c' c' |
        e' e' c' |
        c'2. ~ |
        c'2 f'8( f') |
        f'4 f' f' |
        f' f' f' |
        d'2. |
        g'2 e'4 |
        f' c' dis' |
        e' d' b |
        c'2. ~ |
        c'2 c'4 |
        e'4. e'8 e'4 |
        f'2. |
        ees'2 ees'4 |
        d'4 d' d' |
        d' d' d' |
        e' c' d' |
        e'2 f'8 f' |
        f'2 e'4 |
        f'4 f' e' |
        f'2 ees'4 |
        d'2 d'8 d' |
        c'4. e'8 f'4 |
        e' e' e' |
        f'2. ~ |
tenor = \context Voice = "tenor" \notes  {
        c'4 |
        c' b c' |
        a f f |
        f2( fis4) |
        g2 bes4 |
        a g a |
        c' bes e |
        f2. ~ |
        f2 c'8( c') |
        c'4 b c' |
        bes a c' |
        b2. |
        c'2 c'4
        c' g a |
        c' b g8 f |
        e2. ~ e

        f2 f4 |
        g4. c'8 bes4 |
        a2. |
        a2 a4 |
        bes a g |
        f g f |
        e2( f4 |
        g2) f8 g |
        a2 bes4 |
        c' c' bes |
        a2 a4 |
        bes2 a8 bes |
        f4. c'8 c'4 |
        d' c' bes |
        a2. ~ |
bass = \context Voice = "bass" \notes  {
        f4 f f f |
        f d c |
        bes,2. |
        bes,2 bes4 |
        c c c |
        c c c |
        f,2. ~ |
        f,2 f8( f) |
        f4 f f |
        f f f |
        f2. |
        e2 c4 |
        f f fis |
        g g g, |
        c2. ~ c
        f2 f4 |
        c4. c8 c4 |
        d2. |
        c2 f4 |
        bes, bes, bes, |
        bes, bes, b, |
        c2. ~ |
        c2 f8 f |
        f2 g4 |
        a f cis |
        d2 c4 |
        bes,2 d8 bes, |
        c4. c8 c4 |
        c c c |
        f,2. ~ |

accomp=\chords {

stanzaa = \lyrics {
        O soul, are you wea -- ry and troub -- led?
        No light in the dark -- ness you see?
        There's light for a look at the Sav -- iour,
        And life more a -- bun -- dant and free!
        Turn your eyes u -- pon Je -- sus,
        Look full in His won -- der -- ful face;
        And the things of earth will grow strange -- ly dim
        In the light of His glo -- ry and grace.

stanzab = \lyrics {
        Through death in -- to life ev -- er -- last -- ing
        He passed, and we fol -- low Him there;
        O-ver us sin no more hath do -- min -- ion
        For more __ \sl than con -- qu'rors we are!

stanzac = \lyrics {
        His word shall not fail you, He pro -- mised;
        Be -- lieve Him and all will be well:
        Then go to a world that is dy -- ing,
        His per -- fect sal -- va -- tion to tell!

\score {
        \notes \transpose f ees  \context ChoirStaff <<
               \context ChordNames \accomp
\unset ChoirStaff.melismaBusyProperties \context Staff ="upper" \notes { \clef "G" <<
                \lyricsto "sop" \context Lyrics = "stanza-1" {
                        \set stanza = "1."
                                \stanzaa }
                \lyricsto "sop" \context Lyrics = "stanza-2" {
                        \set stanza = "2."
                                \stanzab }
                \lyricsto "sop" \context Lyrics = "stanza-3" {
                        \set stanza = "3."
                                \stanzac }

                \context Staff = "lower" \notes { \clef "F"<<
                indent = 0.0\pt
                \context {
                        \override ChordName  #'style = #'american
                        chordChanges = ##t
        \midi {
                \tempo 4 = 120


lilypond-user mailing list

        Mats Bengtsson
        Signal Processing
        Signals, Sensors and Systems
        Royal Institute of Technology
        SE-100 44  STOCKHOLM
        Phone: (+46) 8 790 8463                         
        Fax:   (+46) 8 790 7260
        Email: address@hidden

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