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Re: notation TAB matching

From: Grammostola Rosea
Subject: Re: notation TAB matching
Date: Thu, 11 Sep 2008 15:50:16 +0200
User-agent: Mozilla-Thunderbird (X11/20080724)

David Raleigh Arnold wrote:
On Thursday 11 September 2008 08:01, Grammostola Rosea wrote:
James E. Bailey wrote:
If I understand this correctly, you want the music to show a4.~ a4
the tablature to only show a4. Since you using the actual music in a tab staff, it will display all of the music that is shown in the regular staff. So, if you want to have something different shown in the tab staff than is shown in the music staff, you have to write different music for it. To that end, the \tag function is helpful,
allows for music to be tagged and used in different places. To that end, you'll want to review the section on using \tag. <>
(It may be possible using scheme code to capture any time a tie is used to strip the tie and the note following it, but I don't know
Ok, this helps. But a little problem arises... how should I display
without an slur

a,4 ~ a,4.

It isn't


is it?

Should I add an rest and makes those invisible?

See the banjo music on my site. It's not worth the trouble of fine tuning this. Make notes blocks by copying if possible and then fill in fingering in the notes part(s) and remove many engravers from the tab staff. That's the only way to get it entirely the way you want it.

Wnenever there are both a tab and a music staff it is best IMO
if the tab staff contains nothing but the string lines and fret
numbers. Without ties or rests there must be differences of
opinion in exactly how the tab should be rendered. I don't see
any generally acceptable solution. It is also a problem that the music
might be in two parts but the tab should always be in one. daveA

Thanks a lot guys!
I've it now like this

\version "2.11.53"

\header {
title = "Signe"
%arranger = "Eric Clapton"
instrument = "Words and Music by Eric Clapton"

%#(set-paper-size "letter")
%#(define bottom-margin (* 2 cm))

chordNames = \chordmode {
\time 4/4
 \partial 8
 a4. e2:/a a2
   r8 e2:/a
 a4. e2:/a a2
 r8 e2:/a
 a4. e2:/a a2
r8 e2:/a a4. e2:/a a1
 a2 r8 b4.:/a e2:/gis
 fis 2 b1:m7
 e1 a1


uI = {
 \partial 8

\tag #'slurs { r8 <a cis'>4. <gis b>8 ~ <gis b> <\parenthesize b e'>4 <a cis'>8 ~<a cis'> <cis' e'>4. <gis b>2 | <a cis'>4 <\parenthesize cis' e'>8 <gis b> ~ <gis b> <\parenthesize b e'>4 <a cis'>8 ~ <a cis'>8 <cis' e'>4. <gis b>2 | <a cis'>4 <\parenthesize cis' e'>8 <gis b> ~ <gis b> <\parenthesize b e'>4 <a cis'>8 ~ <a cis'> < cis' e'>4. <gis b>2 <a cis'>4 <\parenthesize cis' e'>8 <gis b>8 ~ <gis b> <\parenthesize b e'>4 <\parenthesize e a cis'>8-> r4^ "N.C." r8 e8 gis8 a b <\parenthesize e a cis'> ~ <\parenthesize e a cis'> <cis' e'>4 r8 <\parenthesize fis b dis'>8 e'4 <b e'>8 ~ <b e'> <e'gis'>4 r8 \set TabStaff.minimumFret = #0 \acciaccatura { a8 } ais8 cis'4 <\parenthesize fis a d'>8 ~ <\parenthesize fis a d'> <b fis'>4 r8 <a d'>8 ~ <a cis'>4 <\parenthesize e gis b> 8 ~ <\parenthesize e gis b> <b e'>4 r8 d'\glissando ( cis') b <\parenthesize e a cis'> r2 <e a cis' a'>2\arpeggio }

\tag #'noslurs {s8 <a cis'>4. <gis b>4 <\parenthesize b e'>4 <a cis'>4 <cis' e'>4. <gis b>2 | <a cis'>4 <\parenthesize cis' e'>8 <gis b>4 <\parenthesize b e'>4 <a cis'>4 <cis' e'>4. <gis b>2 | <a cis'>4 <\parenthesize cis' e'>8 <gis b>4 <\parenthesize b e'>4 <a cis'>4 < cis' e'>4. <gis b>2 <a cis'>4 <\parenthesize cis' e'>8 <gis b>4 <\parenthesize b e'>4 <\parenthesize e a cis'>8-> s4^ "N.C." s8 e8 gis8 a b <\parenthesize e a cis'>4 <cis' e'>4 s8 <\parenthesize fis b dis'>8 e'4 <b e'>4 <e'gis'>4 s8 \set TabStaff.minimumFret = #0 \acciaccatura { a8 } ais8 cis'4 <\parenthesize fis a d'>4 <b fis'>4 s8 <a d'>4. <\parenthesize e gis b>4 <b e'>4 s8 d'\glissando ( cis') b <\parenthesize e a cis'> s2 <e a cis' a'>2\arpeggio }

dI = {
 \partial 8
\tag #'slurs { a,8 ~ a,4 a,4 ~ a,4. a,8~a,4. a,8~a,4 \parenthesize e,8\parenthesize e,8 a,4. a,8 ~ a,4. a,8 ~
 a,4. a,8 ~ a,2 a,4. a,8 ~ a,4. a,8 ~ a,4. a,8 ~ a,2
a,4. a,8 ~ a,4. a,8 r2 r4 r8 a,8 ~ a,4. a,8 ~ a,4. -\markup {T on 6 ------|} \set TabStaff.minimumFret = #4 gis,8\6 ~ gis,4.\6 \set TabStaff.minimumFret = #0 fis,8 ~ fis,4. b,8 ~
 b,4. b,8 ~ b,4. e,8 ~ e,4. e,8 ~ e,4. a,8 r2 a,2_\mf }

\tag #'noslurs {a,4. a,4 s4. a,8 s4. a,8 s4 \parenthesize e,8\parenthesize e,8 a,4. a,8 s4. a,8 s4. a,8 s2 a,4. a,8 s4. a,8 s4. a,8 s2 a,4. a,8 s4. a,8 s2 s4 s8 a,8 s4. a,8 s4. -\markup {T on 6 ------|} \set TabStaff.minimumFret = #4 gis,8\6 s4.\6 \set TabStaff.minimumFret = #0 fis,8 s4. b,8 s4.
 b,8 s4. e,8 s4. e,8 s4. a,8 s2 a,2_\mf}

Notation = \simultaneous { %% Combine both parts for notation
\time 4/4
\clef "G_8"
\key a \major
\override Score.MetronomeMark #'padding = #6.0 \tempo 4=176
\override StringNumber #'self-alignment-Y = #-1
\override Score.StringNumber #'padding = #3.5
\set fingeringOrientations = #'(up left down)
<< \context Voice=VoiceA \keepWithTag #'slurs \uI >>
<< \context Voice=VoiceB \keepWithTag #'slurs
 \dI >>

Tablature = \simultaneous { %% Combine both parts for Tablature
\time 4/4
\override TabStaff.Stem #'transparent = ##t %% Makes stems transparent
\override TabStaff.Beam #'transparent = ##t %% Makes beams transparent
\override TabStaff.Dots #'transparent = ##t
<< \context TabVoice=TabVoiceA \keepWithTag #'noslurs \uI >>
<< \context TabVoice=TabVoiceB \keepWithTag #'noslurs
 \dI >>

\score {

\new ChordNames { \chordNames }

 \context StaffGroup {
\simultaneous {
<< \context Staff=FullNotation \Notation >>

<< \context TabStaff=FullTab \Tablature >>


\midi {


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