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Re: New LilyPondTool version available for testing

From: Bertalan Fodor (LilyPondTool)
Subject: Re: New LilyPondTool version available for testing
Date: Thu, 18 Dec 2008 11:36:37 +0100
User-agent: Thunderbird (Windows/20081105)

Or, what has to happen for the updated plugin to appear in the
list so I could easily give instructions to new users?
While it is in testing phase I would not like to upload to the plugin manager. So you can only install manually.
My procedure of installation has been to copy and overwrite all the
new jar files in ~/.jedit/jars , this is the user jedit configuration
directory. I have not touched the files in ~/.jedit/jars-cache. Any
Linux user could confirm?
This should be good.
Most popup windows do not have a suitable default width.
The menu has 8 entries, first 4 are localized, how could be 5-8 as well?
Those menu items that are localized in, will be appear localized only if this file is copied to the jedit application directory / properties with the name LilyPondTool.props
The lilytool bar refuses to show itself once you have hidden it.
It should be shown if you (re)open a LilyPond file.
Setup wizard does not yet appear properly localized.
Yes, it is partly because the jwizardcomponent.jar has not yet been upgraded.
Reverse point-and-click works for me, but the sync is sometimes lost
if you resize the PDF window or change scaling.
That is unfortunate. I will try to fix it (with low priority though, it is not such a critical feature).
Plain point-and-click takes care of notes and lyrics, what about chord names?
I think LilyPond doesn't support it yet.
Articulations are applied to the wrong note unless the cursor is just
next to the note name.
Thanks, I found some bugs about this. I will have to fix.
The lily help shows links to other languages at the bottom, but they don't work.
And won't either. The bundled Lily documentation currently doesn't support various languages.
Images are not shown in this help.
True. Will be fixed.
The lilytool help menu entry gives an error:
LilyPondTool.jar|doc/users-guide.html not found
and it opens jEdit help.
True. Will be fixed in next version.

Thanks for the feedback.


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