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Re: Lyircs melsima line ending in interpunctation

From: Janek Warchoł
Subject: Re: Lyircs melsima line ending in interpunctation
Date: Tue, 24 Jan 2012 06:43:49 +0100

2012/1/23 Nils <address@hidden>:
> Do you know reasons that speaks against __ _ _! which I can tell my publisher?

Some sources say that punctuation should always be placed before lyric
extenders.  However, there are engravers who do it the different way
and it should be supported.
Also, thinking structurally, i'd say that placement of punctuation
should depend on context.  I think that punctuation should indeed go
before extender when the extender goes over tied notes only (meaning
that there is only one note (sound) effectively).  When there is a
melisma - a /musical phrase/ sung on one syllabe, in other words - it
would be better to place the punctuation after the extender, because
it tells the singer how to *end* the phrase.  Surely the whole phrase
is sung differently depending on punctuation, but the most important
part is the end of the phrase.  I sing in a choir and that's exactly
what i would expect, it seems completely natural to me.

How this should work? I think that there should be a "punctuation"
property of LyricExtender object, with 3 possible values: before,
after and default (the default would mean that a function would look
what notes is the syllabe attached to and act accordingly).

An example engraving with punctuation after extenders attached.


Attachment: lyric extender and punctuation - reverse order - example.PNG
Description: PNG image

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