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Re: Whiteout box function by Thomas Morley / need help

From: Thomas Morley
Subject: Re: Whiteout box function by Thomas Morley / need help
Date: Thu, 24 Apr 2014 23:01:40 +0200

2014-04-21 16:40 GMT+02:00 Karol Majewski <address@hidden>:
> Harm,
> this change is related to issue 621:
> Now, I do not accept this solution. It is simply against the rules. 
> DynamicText shouldn't have influence on spacaing. Therefore I prefer whiteout.
> So I use:
> \context {
>   \Staff
>   \override DynamicText.extra-spacing-width = #'(+inf.0 . -inf.0)
> }
> Note that your previous function (the one that contains 
> flexible-stencil-whiteout) works well with DynamiText. But the drawback is 
> that it doesn't allow to set left and right X-extent.
> -- Karol

Hi Karol,

below the newest version.
DynamicText is special-cased and it always returns a visual output for
DynamicText like
'self-alignment -X = CENTER

Please test:

\version "2.19.4"

moreWhiteout =
#(define-music-function (parser location grob-name adds)(string? pair?)
 Increases the grob-stencil for 'whiteout, setting the 'layer to 10.
 DynamicText is special-cased:
   It's 'self-alignment-X is calculated to ensure same visual output as if
   'self-alignment-X = CENTER
   TODO: Make it work for other values of 'self-alignment-X

  (define more-stencil-whiteout
    (lambda (grob)
      (let* ((function (assoc-get 'stencil
                            (reverse (ly:grob-basic-properties grob))))
             (stil ;; Ugh, is there no better way to test that a grob has no
                   ;; 'stencil and that no other previous procedure assigned
                   ;; a stencil-value to said grob?
                   (if (and (procedure? function)
                            (not (eq? (procedure-name function)
                       (function grob)
                         (ly:warning "~a has no stencil. Ignoring" grob)
        (if stil
            (let*((x-ext (ly:stencil-extent stil X))
                  (y-ext (ly:stencil-extent stil Y))
                  (add-to-x-ext (if (pair? (car adds)) (car adds) adds))
                  (add-to-y-ext (if (pair? (cdr adds)) (cadr adds) '(0 . 0)))
                  ;(self-alignment-X (ly:grob-property grob 'self-alignment-X))
                       (ly:stencil-expr stil)
                       (offset-add x-ext add-to-x-ext)
                       (offset-add y-ext add-to-y-ext))))
              ;(display self-alignment-X)
              (if (grob::has-interface grob 'dynamic-text-interface)
                  ;(and (not (null? self-alignment-X)) (= 0 self-alignment-X))
                  (let* ((new-stencil-length
                           (interval-length (ly:stencil-extent new-stil X)))
                           (interval-length (ly:stencil-extent stil X))))
                    (ly:grob-set-property! grob 'self-alignment-X
                      (if (not (= 0 (- new-stencil-length orig-stencil-length)))
                          (/ (- (- new-stencil-length (cdr add-to-x-ext))
                                (+ orig-stencil-length (cdr add-to-x-ext)))
    \once \override $grob-name . layer = #10
    \once \override $grob-name . whiteout = ##t
    \once \override $grob-name . stencil = #more-stencil-whiteout


\layout {
  \override DynamicText.extra-spacing-width = #'(+inf.0 . -inf.0)

musicI = { \time 2/4 \repeat unfold 16 b8 }

musicII = {
  %% apply to X- and Y-axis
  \moreWhiteout TextScript #'((-2 . 0.5)(0 . 2))
  \moreWhiteout DynamicText #'((-3.2 . 4.12)(0 . 0))
  %% apply to X-axis only
  \moreWhiteout TextScript #'(-2 . 10.5)
  b4^"XXXXXX" b

\new StaffGroup <<
  \new Staff \relative c'' \musicI
  \new Staff \relative c'' \musicII


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