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Re: [Monotone-devel] Duplicate keys

From: Justin Patrin
Subject: Re: [Monotone-devel] Duplicate keys
Date: Fri, 9 Mar 2007 23:26:29 -0800

On 3/7/07, William Uther <address@hidden> wrote:

On 07/03/2007, at 3:04 PM, William Uther wrote:

>  A developer here was working at a remote site.  He took a copy of
> the db but not a copy of his key.  He generated himself a new key
> (using the same key id as his normal key), and committed using it.  He
> got some error (now lost in the mists of time).  Another dev with a
> laptop got a copy of the changes using diff/patch and committed them
> using his correct key.
>  Unfortunately, the db with the bad rev was sync'd into the cloud of
> db's and now everyone is getting this message:
> mtn: warning: ignoring bad signature by
> 'address@hidden' on
> 'address@hidden:YXUuY29tLm5pY3RhLmRn
> Yw==]'

Actually, I guess another option would be to specifically update to
that rev and then commit a  correctly signed child rev.  That would
mean that that rev would no longer be a leaf and mtn might stop
complaining (right?).


It would mean that we don't have to kill the rev everywhere in the
cloud (which can be tricky - those dbs multiply like rabbits).


It would have the problem that the rev had already been re-committed
somewhere else and so we'd get conflicts (not too hard to resolve
them though).

Similar to the re-sign everything concept, but easier to do if you're
not a mtn guru.

On a related note, I don't really understand why mtn accepts badly
signed revs/certs into the db at all.  Shouldn't it warn and drop the
certs/revs?  There is already lots of checking in mtn, I'm surprised
this isn't caught.  I can imagine how you could get sets of dbs in a
cloud that disagree about who the real Spartacus is, but would have
thought you'd get the error on syncing, not every operation that
touches a leaf afterwards.

One of the additions I made in nvm.ssh-agent (which was merged to
mainline) is that monotone checks all certs for validity after it
signs them. However, if you sign with one key and monotone checks it
with the same key....

Justin Patrin

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