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[Monotone-devel] Re: HEADS UP: wiki migration

From: Lapo Luchini
Subject: [Monotone-devel] Re: HEADS UP: wiki migration
Date: Mon, 05 May 2008 10:40:43 +0200
User-agent: Thunderbird (X11/20080303)

Daniel Carosone wrote:
We're in the process of migrating the wiki to ikiwiki, which will be
used to generate the main website content, wiki parts included.

...and we did quite a bit of it, in the last couple of days, I'd say =)

Graydon, could you please disable edits on the current wiki?  This
will help keep things in sync while migrating, and help people spend
time migrating rather than reverting spam.

JFTR: this has already been done by Graydon, later that day.

For those who want to help, the work is currently going on in the
nvm.web.ikiwiki branch. There are some quick instructions in

The "base work" is kinda finished, the system is working and I did some "massive SED-ing" to ease the conversion of many pages, now it "only" remains to double-check and correct the "migration-auto" ones and completely migrate the ones still in the .moin format ;)

Richard will shortly have another instance running off the branch at, autoupdating from commits pushed to

That's up&running, but the auto-update doesn't seem to always work, so you may better have a local ikiwiki installation. It needs *lots* of perl stuff, but at least on FreeBSD and NetBSD the installation is completely automated (also elsewhere, if you use CPAN or a decent packaging system, I guess! Richard had a few more problems with the Debian packages the other day, but maybe it's just a misunderstanting on my side).

Please help us =)


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