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Re: Moving functions from octave to octave-forge?

From: Thomas Treichl
Subject: Re: Moving functions from octave to octave-forge?
Date: Wed, 09 May 2007 21:13:45 +0200
User-agent: Thunderbird (Macintosh/20070221)

Hi, (and sorry for being late).

David Bateman wrote:
John W. Eaton wrote:
Also, any function currently in an Octave Forge package that is in
the list of core Matlab functions is a candidate for moving to

When I was working on porting the octave-forge functions I kept a list.
Updating a little, for new octave-forge functions and the graphics
changes I have

Easy Enough to Port:
  bicg brighten ode23 ode45 odeget odephas2 odephas3 odeplot odeprint
  odeset imread imwrite psi

The ode* functions described here could be put into octave easily because they are *.m. I added help texts for all of these functions, tests and demos. There is one thing that has not been implemented by now: Sparse matrix support for the Mass-matrix and Jacobian-matrix, if somebody else wants to work on this topic then you're welcome, all the other things have already been added and validated with octave on Linux and OSX (and maybe you don't want to read this - also validated on MatR13/RedmondXP). John needs to have a look himself if he wants to add these functions - but I would prefer if this doesn't happen at this time (cf. next paragraph).

* There are a significant number of different functions in o-f odepkg
(cf ode78) that aren't part of matlab and visa-versa (cf ode113). There
are also a number of support functions for odepkg written as mex-files
that would need work.

I wrote in the short manual of the odepkg that this package is currently under
development. I actually have not finished with the implementation so I'd like to
continue working on this before you move it to octave. Some of the topics that I
actually wanted to do with the little time I've got:

- add solvers to solve DDEs
- add solvers to solve IDEs (like octave's dassl, dasrt etc.)

I don't think that I will ever work on the PDEs and BVPs resp. the solvers for them similarly as they are implemented in Matlab (bvpset, bvpget, bvp4c, pdepe, etc.) This should become part of another new package (from my point of view) also written from somebody else than me.

ode113, ode23tb (Matlab) vs. oderd, odesx, etc. (odepkg): ode113 and others are a special Matlab implementation. I've not seen any implementation similar to these functions in C, Fortran etc. on Internet and have not found any documentation about the idea that is behind these solvers. But this doesn't mean that you can solve special problems only with these solvers. So I added other functions (oderd etc.) that are also written in *.m and that are wrapper functions to *.mex files that once again use well known GPL compatible fortran solvers from internet. Adding other wrapper functions eg. ode113 to the odepkg that point to one of the *mex interface functions could be an idea for even more compatibility to Matlab.

Least but not last: The *.mex file porting to *.oct file question? I was told that the *.mex interface functions should become *.oct if they are moved to octave, but I don't like this idea (for me and my use), because as I wrote in the first paragraph I also have the need for this package on MatR13 - so the question for me is: what is the idea resp. the reason behind it for *.mex be ported to *.oct?

Also, if somebody else wants to help implementing solvers or other things to odepkg then you're very welcome.


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