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Re: [Openvds-support] ssh/ftp

From: River Hume
Subject: Re: [Openvds-support] ssh/ftp
Date: Fri, 25 Jan 2002 10:34:52 -0800

RH> -sshd from the master server is listening to the ip's assigned to virtual
RH> servers, so I can't ssh in to them. How can I fix this?

Inside the VS you should have a /etc/ssh/sshd_config that have your VS
ip address in it.

There's no ip listed in that file... here are it's contents, should I just input the ip in place of the * on the line "Host *" ? should the rest be uncommented then as well? Is there a way to set this up so it works when you first create a vs instead of having to hand tweak it or write a script? are there any scripts available?

# Site-wide defaults for various options

# Host *
#   ForwardAgent no
#   ForwardX11 no
#   RhostsAuthentication no
#   RhostsRSAAuthentication yes
#   RSAAuthentication yes
#   PasswordAuthentication yes
#   FallBackToRsh no
#   UseRsh no
#   BatchMode no
#   CheckHostIP yes
#   StrictHostKeyChecking yes
#   IdentityFile ~/.ssh/identity
#   IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_dsa
#   IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_rsa
#   Port 22
#   Protocol 2,1
#   Cipher blowfish
#   EscapeChar ~

you should have
if [ "${sshd_enable}" = "YES" ]; then
  echo -n 'starting ssh server: '
  if [ -x "/usr/sbin/sshd" ]; then sshd_path="/usr/sbin/sshd"; fi
  ${sshd_path} &
  echo 'sshd'
in your /etc/rc file
Be sure sshd exists..

yeah, these lines are in rc ... As far as the existance of ssh, shouldn't that have installed as part of the skel? I am using the current freevsd-skel-1_4_10-2rh6 ...

RH> -can't seem to set passwords for new users on virtual servers...
RH> useradd seems to work, but won't recognise the -p flag, even though it
RH> lists that as an option, and passwd <username> allows me to type in a pass RH> and a verification, and seems to complete successfully, but I can't ftp in
RH> as this new user. Any ideas?

Make sure this new user have ftp permission most likely it doesn't.
If you just have added a user and set a password they will not have
either use vsdadm user_mod to modify the users permission.
Or just edit the /etc/vsd/priv file in the VS

Add the user after admin like above.
Also to ssh into the machine the user needs login priv. telnet priv
only applies to telnet not ssh :P

Well, I can manually edit this file from the master server, but it's read only from the vs, and I can't chown it in any really useful way (can't own from vs, coz it's owned by root.root and changing this to root.admin in the master server just makes it appear as root.500 in the vs), such that these kinds of administrative tasks can be handled directly by the individual vs admins... I really don't want the burdon of dealing with all the adminstration for all the virtual hosts I resell, and would like to make it possiblef for customers to do it their damn self... again, aren't there any scripts for handling this? Anyone know what the status is of the php scripts being ready for ssl implementations? how useful are the scripts anyway? do they allow vs admins to afftect their vs, or is this merely for meta-admins (from the source, it appears that this is NOT a tool for individual vs admins)? I have quite a bit of php experience, and would gladly help alter/create this tool, but I don't have time, nor the knowledge of vsd to spearhead it at the moment.

RH> Thanx In Advance!
RH> -River

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