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Re[3]: [Openvds-support] ssh/ftp

From: River Hume
Subject: Re[3]: [Openvds-support] ssh/ftp
Date: Fri, 25 Jan 2002 14:20:01 -0800

RH> One thing I noticed however, in the master server's sshd_config file, the
RH> ip listed is not the one the domain name points to, but rather the MASTER
RH> ip which as far as I know remains invisible (not even declared in
RH> etc/hosts), and unknown to any but myself and a few others... I don't even
RH> know how it could be answering to our domain name from the looks of it
RH> though... Could this somehow be causing it to listen to all traffic on the
RH> server? It doesn't really make any sense... :(

No on the master server the ip in the /etc/ssh/sshd_config you should
have only the master servers ip.

Each virtual server have their own copy of sshd and only listens to
the virtual servers IP (including the master server)

Not sure if we're thinking the same thing... _Prior_ to setting up vsd, we had a single master IP assigned (which we don't use at all) and an ip range assigned. we set the master host domain name to point to the first ip in the range, and make no mention of the master ip anywhere. it is for internal purposes only. That master ip, however, is the one that sshd_config is set up with on the master server. At any rate, this is probably moot. The real problem is that somehow or another, the master server's sshd is STILL listening on the vs ip's...

RH> Does it even run on svsd? According to the readme on

RH> The file VSDWebAdmin1.4.5.tar.gz contains the WebAdmin scripts for
RH> administration of Virtual Servers running under freeVSD V1.4.5 - V1.4.6

RH> and the website claims that it is for use only on non svsd installs... Has
RH> anyone tried it with 1.4.10? is anyone interested in fixing it so it will
RH> work with 1.4.10 if not? As I mentioned earlier, I would GLADLY help fix
RH> the code, if I could get a little direction as to what specifically needs
RH> fixing.

It should be fixable to work with svsd. First of one would need to fix
the files under lib to point to the svsd port (1726) instead of the
vsd port (1725). Not sure exactly what else would be involved.

excellent :) that shouldn't be hard... I'll prolly fix this soon and contribute the update...

Also I run this with 1.4.10 no problems that I found so far.
Got one issue so far with the webadmin tool that is that you can't
grant login permission from the web without hacking the code for

Wait, so it's designed explicitly only to allow connections from localhost? That doesn't help me any; my machine's 3000 miles away... Any more specific direction on what needs to be hacked in order to make this possible?


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