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[Perlpanel-devel] new dock applet and desktop entry module

From: luka frelih
Subject: [Perlpanel-devel] new dock applet and desktop entry module
Date: Sat, 10 Jul 2004 04:52:21 +0200

i had a fun filled night, so here are some fresh fruits

attached are two files (at v0.1) for your review. they need to be put in
and     PerlPanel/lib/Desktop/
to get things working.

the dock is a launcher & taskbar combination. for it to work, you need class group support in Gnome2::Wnck (i think this means you need gnome2.6 at least). it strives to be useful, compact and simple to use.
it creates its icons in ~/.perlpanel/dock/

the Desktop::Entry is a new module used by the dock and hopes to become a general class for handling the desktop entry standard files. it's not even pretending to be very compliant yet. but maybe some other applets might benefit from it already.

i'd be happy to hear your reactions and get these files distributed
with perlpanel. there is a lot still to be done for them so anyone interested
in improving is very welcome!


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