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Re: [phpGroupWare-developers] Re: Tracing/integrating items from differe

From: Dave Hall
Subject: Re: [phpGroupWare-developers] Re: Tracing/integrating items from different applications
Date: Sun, 26 Nov 2006 11:17:11 +1100

Hi Sigurd

On Fri, 2006-11-24 at 11:34 -0700, Sigurd Nes wrote:
> If no one stop me - I will start to implement tracking/linking of
> items across apps (in HEAD).

Sorry for not replying earlier, things have been a little crazy.

I support this idea, but I think we need to come up with clearly defined
and consistent ways of doing the following:

* Enforcing ACLs of linked app

* Listing/Searching for items to link to

* Displaying linked items in both apps

* Linking to multiple data types in 1 app

So long as this can all be dealt with I have no problems with this going
into HEAD/18.


Dave Hall (aka skwashd)
API Coordinator
e address@hidden
j address@hidden
sip address@hidden
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