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[phpGroupWare-developers] Coordination Team restructure

From: Dave Hall
Subject: [phpGroupWare-developers] Coordination Team restructure
Date: Tue, 04 Mar 2008 23:33:54 +1100

Hi all,

There has been some discussion within the coordination team about the
structure of the team and how things can be improved given the current
state of the project.

It is proposed that the team be restructured to have 5 representatives
which will be filled for a term of 2 years.  We propose the new roles
within the team are as follows:

* Development - the primary contact point for new developers entering
the project.  Development is considered in its broad sense it isn't just

* Support - Take care of our users when they have issues.  This would
include savannah, lists, forum and IRC

* Internationalisation - Make the project work in languages other than
English.  This would include liaising with our translators and
encouraging new translations and translation of documents.

* Release - We will finally get 0.9.18 this year some time - hopefully,
you will be the primary contact for this.  You will also need to triage
bugs and monitor the QA process of this and the legacy 0.9.16 releases.

* Community Building - build the phpGroupWare community.  This role will
involve trying to get new people involved in the various parts of the
project.  Some evangelising won't hurt either.

The new coordinators will commence their terms on 1 April 2008.

The election process will be similar to the past, there will be a
nomination period.  If there is more nominations that positions an
election will be held of eligible people.  The elected 5 will then agree
on who gets which role.

To be eligible to nominate and vote you must have made a non trivial
contribution to the project in the last 12 months.  A list will be
published if required.

Keep in mind that a coordinator is not a director, they are contact
point, the goto person.  As is the case now coordinators discuss a lot
of stuff and most decisions are made informally.  Coordinators are
accountable to the rest of the team and broader community, they just
take care of the day to day running of the project.

Now it is time for the community to discuss this.


on behalf of the coordination team.
Dave Hall (aka skwashd)
API Coordinator
e address@hidden
j address@hidden
sip address@hidden
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|_|         |_|                         |_|Web based collaboration platform

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