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Re: [Protux-devel] reimplementation of GlobalProperties

From: Luciano Giordana
Subject: Re: [Protux-devel] reimplementation of GlobalProperties
Date: Tue, 14 Jan 2003 23:44:16 -0200
User-agent: KMail/1.4.3

> Another reason i didn't want to commit it yet, is that i don't believe that
> this class belongs to protux, i would rather see it in libmustux, as
> mustache and possibly more applications based on libmustux could need it.

Indeed, in 0.17.x it will be deprecated , due the new MustuxGlobalProperties 

I was implementing it, but no problem if you already did it (just let me know 
next time before you start it ;-)

> So for the important changes now:
> 1) GlobalProperties::insert(QString key, QString value) is deprecated now,
> but it's still there (it just calls set(QString key, QString value)).
> set(QString key, QString value) checks if the key already exists, if so it
> updates it, if not, it inserts it. So no more problem with duplicated keys
> (current implementation ends up having several VERSION in .protuxrc), and
> no need for 2 different functions.

VERSION should not be in global properties since it is retrieven from 
autostuff. this is garbage from past releases...

> 2) The key name is case insensitive now. (but it's easy to change it to
> case sensitive)

fine to me

> 3) New functions: GlobalProperties::get_float(QString key) and
> GlobalProperties::set(QString key, float value) , no idea if it will be
> usefull one day, but it's there.
surely it will have a usage. Maybe some get_long_long, since there are many 
long long variables in protux/libmustux

> And now, what should i do ? I see several options:
>  - commit it now
>  - wait for 0.17.x to commit it
>  - move it to libmustux (changing file name and namespace to
> MustuxGlobalProperties) and commit it now - move it to libmustux (changing
> file name and namespace to MustuxGlobalProperties) and wait for 0.17.x to
> commit it - forget it

move it to libmustux as M ustuxGlobalProperties, as you suggested, but do not 
link it, we will make this in 0.17.x. you
can commit it now, so I can take a look in the code.

protux will still use old GlobalProperties , for stability purposes..

> (for a move to libmustux, the init() function should be changed to
> init(QString rcFileName), because different application will have different
> rcfiles... but that's not a problem, as init() is called just once.)

cool :-)



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