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[RP] problem binding "Print Screen" key

From: Miernik
Subject: [RP] problem binding "Print Screen" key
Date: Mon, 16 Jan 2006 04:27:56 +0100
User-agent: tin/1.8.0-20051224 ("Ronay") (UNIX) (Linux/2.6.14czernica (i686))

I wanted to bind a few keys like this:

definekey top Pause select 0
definekey top Scroll_Lock select 1
definekey top Print select 2

The first two work flawlessly, but the third one doesn't work.

However ':describekey top' and then pressing Print Screen key makes RP
show "select 2" in the message bar.

So if for describekey it works, why doesn't it select my window 2 when I
press it?

Miernik             _________________________  xmpp:address@hidden
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