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[rdiff-backup-users] rdiff-backup cleint for windows 32

From: Rainer Zocholl
Subject: [rdiff-backup-users] rdiff-backup cleint for windows 32
Date: 14 Dec 2004 17:22:00 +0100

address@hidden(David Kempe)  14.12.04 21:50

>I doubt it does. rdiff-backup librsync functions are very unix like
>and require the cgywin way of handling things. SFU doesn't provide
>anywhere near enough functionality for it to run. 

Yepp. "Services for Unix" isi mainly only a tool box.

>I haven't actually tried it either, but I have tried to 
>get rdiff-backup to run on native python. 
>The librsync module just won't compile without a complete
>rewrite that takes out all the unixisms.
>btw, if you want rdiff-backup packages for windows you can get them


nice job.

>rdiff-backup is win32->unix only at this stage (unix<->unix) is fine.

Wouldn't be "unisono" a tool (base) for (currently missing) restore?

>quite possible we could make a win32 compatible version of
>rdiff-backup, but I don't have the resources for that yet.

To ease use and circumvent the first bloody steps and noses
i modifed the bat a bit:

(It should be better named "rdiff-backup.cmd" as 
it will make no sense on a windows95 box, or?)

@echo off

set src=.
set address@hidden::/home/zoc/backups
if not "%1"=="" set src=%1
if not "%2"=="" set dst=%2


:: keep fingers off below this line ::::::::::::::::::::::
for /F "tokens=1*" %%a in ("%0") do set defaultpath=%%~dpa

set RDIFF-PATH=%defaultpath%

set PATH=%RDIFF-PATH%\bin;%path%

pushd %RDIFF-PATH%

if not exist %PRIVATEKEYFILE% call :genkey

echo on
mount -m > oldmounts.bat

umount -A

mount -f -s -b %RDIFF-PATH% /

set PLINKOPT=-x -a -T
python2.3.exe -S %RDIFF-PATH%\rdiff-backup --remote-schema 'plink %PLINKOPT% -C 
-i %PRIVATEKEYFILE% %%s rdiff-backup --server' "%src%" "%dst%" %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 
%8 %9

umount -A

call oldmounts.bat

::if exist oldmounts.bat del oldmounts.bato

@goto :EOF

@echo ################################################ 
@echo Please generate the ssh key file '%PRIVATEKEYFILE%'
@echo and store the public key on the unix server
@echo into ~/.ssh/authorized_keys (permissions: chmod 600)
@echo Try it with "plink -v -i %PRIVATEKEYFILE% address@hidden ls'
@echo to store the host key. Else you'll get unexpected results.
@echo ################################################
@start /wait puttygen %PRIVATEKEYFILE%

@goto :EOF



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