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Re: [Rule-list] Modifying the current anaconda--progress update

From: Marco Fioretti
Subject: Re: [Rule-list] Modifying the current anaconda--progress update
Date: Fri, 8 Feb 2002 11:15:37 +0100


as soon as possible, we will become a "serious" project, i.e
have registered developers on Savannah, working CVS, etcetera
(I have read your CVS suggestions, Chuck, thanks. I won't be able
to use them until sunday however).

In the meantime, please do put everything on some other address,
and post that to the list, so we all know and keep track of it

Back to the issue now: I think the default base install is interesting
to check also because we might need to redefine/take out something even
from that. For example, does it still include all the shells ever
invented since Charles Babbage, or library support for some unlikely
(for old PCs, that is) hardware, or server use?

Does it include, just by inertia (did I spell it right? probably not..)
some program which is obsolete/deprecated/not developed anymore/
not used by any rc script?

For example, does it include rlogin/rsh? if so, since we ARE going to
put openssh in, do we need them?



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