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[Savannah-hackers] lshd interruption problem

From: Loic Dachary
Subject: [Savannah-hackers] lshd interruption problem
Date: Wed, 5 Jun 2002 10:31:15 +0200


        For the record, we use lsh-1.2.1 with some patches applied as 
described in

        We are now facing the following problem:

        - someone runs a command thru lsh
        - the connection is interrupted before the command is finished
        - the command is not notified that the connection is interrupted
          and hangs forever

        I wonder if you see a quick fix to this or if you need more input
on this specific problem ?

        Thanks in advance,

ps -lfawwx 

100     0     1     0   0   0  1260  440 select S    ?          5:09 init [2]   
040     0     2     1   0   0     0    0 bdflus SW   ?          0:09 [kflushd]
040     0     3     1   0   0     0    0 kupdat SW   ?        159:23 [kupdate]
040     0     4     1   0   0     0    0 kswapd SW   ?          9:03 [kswapd]
040     0     5     1   0   0     0    0 contex SW   ?          0:00 [keventd]
040     0   204     1   0   0  1464  668 nanosl S    ?          1:29 
040     0 28141   204   0   0  1464  676 pipe_r S    ?          0:00  \_ 
100   504 28148 28141   0   0  2172 1076 wait4  S    ?          0:00  |   \_ 
bash /subversions/snapshots/
000   504 28325 28148   0   0  2140  744 pipe_r S    ?          0:00  |       
\_ scp hurd-20020524.tgz ~ftp/gnu/cvs
000   504 28326 28325   0   0  3076 1260 tcp_re S    ?          0:00  |         
  \_ /usr/bin/ssh -x -oFallBackToRsh no -oFallBackToRsh no scp -t 
040     0  9806   204   0   0  1464  676 pipe_r S    ?          0:00  \_ 
100   500  9811  9806   0   0  2028  876 wait4  S    ?          0:00      \_ 
/bin/sh -c ( echo ; echo $$ start ; lockfile -r 2 -l 7200 /tmp/rsync-gcc.lock 
&& time rsync --archive --delete --checksum --compress 
rsync:// /home/rsync/gcc ; rm -f 
/tmp/rsync-gcc.lock ; echo $$ end ) >> /var/log/rsync-gcc.log 2>&1
040   500  9812  9811   0   0  2036  932 wait4  S    ?          0:00          
\_ /bin/sh -c ( echo ; echo $$ start ; lockfile -r 2 -l 7200 
/tmp/rsync-gcc.lock && time rsync --archive --delete --checksum --compress 
rsync:// /home/rsync/gcc ; rm -f 
/tmp/rsync-gcc.lock ; echo $$ end ) >> /var/log/rsync-gcc.log 2>&1
000   500  9818  9812   0   0  3860 2952 select S    ?          0:00            
  \_ rsync --archive --delete --checksum --compress 
rsync:// gcc-cvs /home/rsync/gcc
000     0   266     1   0   0  1288  504 read_c S    tty1       0:00 
/sbin/getty 38400 tty1
000     0   267     1   0   0  1288  504 read_c S    tty2       0:00 
/sbin/getty 38400 tty2
000     0   268     1   0   0  1288  504 read_c S    tty3       0:00 
/sbin/getty 38400 tty3
000     0   269     1   0   0  1288  504 read_c S    tty4       0:00 
/sbin/getty 38400 tty4
000     0   270     1   0   0  1288  504 read_c S    tty5       0:00 
/sbin/getty 38400 tty5
000     0   271     1   0   0  1288  504 read_c S    tty6       0:00 
/sbin/getty 38400 tty6
040 60053   909     1   0   0     0    0 select S    ?          0:01 SCREEN -d 
-m -S mainlog
100     0   910   909   0   0  2456 1420 wait4  S    pts/1      0:00  \_ -su
100     0 24801   910   0   0  1296  468 nanosl S    pts/1      4:29      \_ 
tail -f name --retry /var/log/exim/mainlog
040 60053   915     1   0   0     0    0 select S    ?          0:03 SCREEN -d 
-m -S syslog
100     0   916   915   0   0  2456 1420 wait4  S    pts/2      0:00  \_ -su
000     0 24796   916   0   0  1296  468 nanosl S    pts/2      4:19      \_ 
tail -f name --retry /var/log/syslog
040 60053   920     1   0   0     0    0 select S    ?          0:04 SCREEN -d 
-m -S apacheerror
100     0   921   920   0   0  2460 1448 wait4  S    pts/3      0:00  \_ -su
000     0 24792   921   0   0  1296  468 nanosl S    pts/3      4:19      \_ 
tail -f name --retry /var/log/apache-ssl/error.log
040 60053   926     1   0   0     0    0 select S    ?          0:55 SCREEN -d 
-m -S apachelog
100     0   927   926   0   0  2456 1420 wait4  S    pts/4      0:00  \_ -su
000     0 24791   927   0   0  1296  468 nanosl S    pts/4      4:19      \_ 
tail -f name --retry /var/log/apache-ssl/access.log
040 60053   930     1   0   0     0    0 select S    ?          1:57 SCREEN -d 
-m -S emacs
000 60053   931   930   0   0     0    0 read_c S    pts/5      0:00  \_ 
100     0  1262   930   0   0  2480 1504 wait4  S    pts/10     0:01  \_ -su
100     0  6580  1262   5   0 20300 17080 select S   pts/10     9:43  |   \_ 
emacs -nw
100     0  6677  6580  10   0  2224 1268 wait4  S    pts/12     0:00  |       
\_ /bin/bash -i
100     0 20758  6677  17   0  2960 1136 -      R    pts/12     0:00  |         
  \_ ps -lfawwx
000 60053 10637   930   0   0     0    0 wait4  S    pts/15     0:00  \_ 
100     0 29683 10637   0   0  2232 1232 wait4  S    pts/15     0:00      \_ 
100   500 29690 29683   0   0  2212 1208 wait4  S    pts/15     0:00          
\_ -su
000   500 29843 29690   0   0  8812 5188 select S    pts/15     0:00            
  \_ emacs -nw
040 60266 17986     1   0   0     0    0 select S    ?          0:00 ssh-agent 
040     1 18693     1   0   0  1420  592 nanosl S    ?          0:00 
140     0 20029     1   0   0  1592  800 syslog S    ?          0:00 /sbin/klogd
140     0 20143     1   0   0  1376  624 select S    ?          8:10 
040 60266  7489     1   0   0     0    0 select S    ?          0:00 ssh-agent 
140     0 21350     1   0   0  3120 2072 select S    ?         31:17 
/usr/sbin/snmpd -s -l /dev/null
140     0 21352     1   0   0  2052 1108 select S    ?          0:00 
/usr/sbin/snmptrapd -s
140     0 27387     1   0   0  7564 4108 select S    ?          6:51 
140    33 28261 27387   0   0  7928 5172 select S    ?          0:00  \_ 
100    33  3614 27387   0   0  3104  916 unix_a S    ?          0:00  \_ 
/usr/lib/apache-ssl/gcache 33 /var/run/gcache_port
140    33 19900 27387   3   0  8248 5260 semop  S    ?          0:01  \_ 
140    33 20093 27387   0   0  8316 5324 semop  S    ?          0:00  \_ 
140    33 20211 27387   1   0  8428 5440 semop  S    ?          0:00  \_ 
140    33 20356 27387   0   0  7668 4308 select S    ?          0:00  \_ 
140    33 20383 27387   0   0  8332 5180 semop  S    ?          0:00  \_ 
140    33 20525 27387   0   0  8468 5484 semop  S    ?          0:00  \_ 
140    33 20548 27387   0   0  7888 4784 semop  S    ?          0:00  \_ 
140    33 20568 27387   0   0  8376 5332 semop  S    ?          0:00  \_ 
140    33 20583 27387   0   0  7668 4268 tcp_re S    ?          0:00  \_ 
140    33 20654 27387   0   0  8372 5192 semop  S    ?          0:00  \_ 
140    33 20694 27387   0   0  8336 5184 semop  S    ?          0:00  \_ 
000     0 28490     1   0   0  2052  968 wait4  S    pts/10     0:00 sh 
100   104 28525 28490   0   0 40852 23844 select S   pts/10     1:23  \_ 
/usr/sbin/mysqld --basedir=/usr --datadir=/var/lib/mysql --user=mysql 
--pid-file=/var/run/mysqld/ --skip-locking
040   104 28527 28525   1   0 40852 23844 poll  S    pts/10     3:11      \_ 
/usr/sbin/mysqld --basedir=/usr --datadir=/var/lib/mysql --user=mysql 
--pid-file=/var/run/mysqld/ --skip-locking
040   104 28528 28527   0   0 40852 23844 rt_sig S   pts/10     3:37          
\_ /usr/sbin/mysqld --basedir=/usr --datadir=/var/lib/mysql --user=mysql 
--pid-file=/var/run/mysqld/ --skip-locking
040   104 28532 28527   0   0 40852 23844 rt_sig S   pts/10     0:00          
\_ /usr/sbin/mysqld --basedir=/usr --datadir=/var/lib/mysql --user=mysql 
--pid-file=/var/run/mysqld/ --skip-locking
140     0 28562     1   0   0  1980 1972 select SL   ?          5:32 
140     0 10229     1   0   0  2776 1128 select S    ?          2:55 
/usr/sbin/xinetd -reuse
100   500 15538 10229   0   0  1432  472 select S    ?          0:03  \_ rsync 
--daemon --verbose --verbose
100   500 10629 10229   0   0  2124 1336 select S    ?          0:01  \_ rsync 
--daemon --verbose --verbose
100  1003 13180 10229   0   0  3512 1816 wait_f S    ?          0:00  \_ cvs 
--allow-root-file /etc/cvs-pserver.cvsroots -f pserver
100  1003  9018 10229   0   0  2792 1148 tcp_re S    ?          0:00  \_ cvs 
--allow-root-file /etc/cvs-pserver.cvsroots -f pserver
100  1003  9414 10229   0   0  2840 1176 tcp_re S    ?          0:00  \_ cvs 
--allow-root-file /etc/cvs-pserver.cvsroots -f pserver
100  1003 16881 10229   0   0  2792 1148 tcp_re S    ?          0:00  \_ cvs 
--allow-root-file /etc/cvs-pserver.cvsroots -f pserver
100  1003 18300 10229   0   0  4112 2544 wait_f S    ?          0:00  \_ cvs 
--allow-root-file /etc/cvs-pserver.cvsroots -f pserver
100  1003 20613 10229   0   0 26068 24484 wait_f S   ?          0:14  \_ cvs 
--allow-root-file /etc/cvs-pserver.cvsroots -f pserver
140     0 10234     1   0   0 19044 17648 poll  S    ?          8:05 
/usr/local/sbin/lshd --enable-core --daemonic --ssh1-fallback=/usr/sbin/sshd 
--trace --verbose
100  1000 21923 10234   0   0     0    0 read_c S    pts/6      0:00  \_ -bash
100  1000 28869 10234   0   0     0    0 read_c S    pts/13     0:00  \_ -bash
100  1000 15097 10234   0   0     0    0 read_c S    pts/7      0:00  \_ -bash
100  1000 29643 10234   0   0     0    0 read_c S    pts/9      0:00  \_ -bash
100  1000  6093 10234   0   0     0    0 read_c S    pts/17     0:00  \_ -bash
100  1000  5009 10234   0   0     0    0 read_c S    pts/8      0:00  \_ -bash
100  1000  9952 10234   0   0     0    0 read_c S    pts/0      0:00  \_ -bash
100  1000 13026 10234   0   0     0    0 read_c S    pts/21     0:00  \_ -bash
100  1000   974 10234   0   0     0    0 read_c S    pts/14     0:00  \_ -bash
100  1000 25391 10234   0   0     0    0 read_c S    pts/22     0:00  \_ -bash
100  1000 28855 10234   0   0     0    0 read_c S    pts/11     0:00  \_ -bash
100  1000   624 10234   0   0     0    0 read_c S    pts/16     0:00  \_ -bash
100  1000 29245 10234   0   0     0    0 read_c S    pts/18     0:00  \_ -bash
100  1000 11936 10234   0   0     0    0 read_c S    pts/19     0:00  \_ -bash
100     0 10895 10234   0   0  3116 1444 select S    ?          0:03  \_ 
/usr/sbin/sshd -i -V SSH-1.5-OpenSSH_3.0.2p1 Debian 1:3.0.2p1-9
100 60053 10898 10895   0   0     0    0 pause  S    pts/20     0:00  |   \_ 
screen -x emacs
100     0 10896 10234   0   0  3116 1444 select S    ?          0:00  \_ 
/usr/sbin/sshd -i -V SSH-1.5-OpenSSH_3.0.2p1 Debian 1:3.0.2p1-9
100 60053 10899 10896   0   0     0    0 pause  S    pts/23     0:00  |   \_ 
screen -x mainlog
100     0 10904 10234   0   0  3116 1444 select S    ?          0:00  \_ 
/usr/sbin/sshd -i -V SSH-1.5-OpenSSH_3.0.2p1 Debian 1:3.0.2p1-9
100 60053 10907 10904   0   0     0    0 pause  S    pts/24     0:00  |   \_ 
screen -x syslog
100     0 10905 10234   0   0  3116 1444 select S    ?          0:00  \_ 
/usr/sbin/sshd -i -V SSH-1.5-OpenSSH_3.0.2p1 Debian 1:3.0.2p1-9
100 60053 10908 10905   0   0     0    0 pause  S    pts/26     0:00  |   \_ 
screen -x apachelog
100     0 10906 10234   0   0  3116 1444 select S    ?          0:00  \_ 
/usr/sbin/sshd -i -V SSH-1.5-OpenSSH_3.0.2p1 Debian 1:3.0.2p1-9
100 60053 10909 10906   0   0     0    0 pause  S    pts/25     0:00  |   \_ 
screen -x apacheerror
100  1000 31833 10234   0   0     0    0 read_c S    pts/28     0:00  \_ -bash
100  1000 13761 10234   0   0     0    0 read_c S    pts/27     0:00  \_ -bash
100     0 20375 10234   4   0  2948 1692 select S    ?          3:44  \_ 
/usr/sbin/sshd -i -V SSH-1.5-OpenSSH_3.0.2p1 Debian 1:3.0.2p1-9
100     0 20376 20375   3   0 45368 44256 select S   ?          9:19  |   \_ 
rsync --server --sender -logtprz --bwlimit=50 --delete --numeric-ids . /
100     0 19798 10234   0   0  2440 1160 select S    ?          0:00  \_ 
/usr/sbin/sshd -i -V SSH-1.5-OpenSSH_3.1p1
100 60513 20228 19798   0   0  2036  924 wait4  S    ?          0:00      \_ sh 
/usr/local/bin/cvssh -c cvs server
000 60513 20229 20228   0   0  2748  904 unix_d S    ?          0:00          
\_ cvs server
100     0 17925     1   0   0  2220 1232 read_c S    ttyS0      0:00 -bash
100 61923 15428     1   0   0  2036  924 wait4  S    ?          0:00 sh 
/usr/local/bin/cvssh -c cvs server
000 61923 15429 15428   0   0  2748  948 select S    ?          0:00  \_ cvs 
040 61923 15434 15429   0   0  2752 1060 wait4  S    ?          0:00      \_ 
cvs server
000 61923 15435 15434   0   0  3156 1900 select S    ?          0:00          
\_ /usr/bin/editor /tmp/cvsv1pAzV
000 61923 11788     1   0   0  3056 1148 select S    ?          0:00 cvs server
040 61923 11873 11788   0   0  3056 1264 wait4  S    ?          0:00  \_ cvs 
000 61923 11874 11873   0   0  3156 1900 select S    ?          0:00      \_ 
/usr/bin/editor /tmp/cvsKn9puf
100 61652 31377     1   0   0  2036  924 wait4  S    ?          0:00 sh 
/usr/local/bin/cvssh -c cvs server
000 61652 31378 31377   0   0  2748  916 select S    ?          0:00  \_ cvs 
040 61652 31385 31378   0   0  2764 1104 wait4  S    ?          0:00      \_ 
cvs server
000 61652 31386 31385   0   0  3156 1900 select S    ?          0:00          
\_ /usr/bin/editor /tmp/cvsZ5L8U6
100 61923  7927     1   0   0  2036  924 wait4  S    ?          0:00 sh 
/usr/local/bin/cvssh -c cvs server
000 61923  7928  7927   0   0  3056 1148 select S    ?          0:00  \_ cvs 
040 61923  7937  7928   0   0  3056 1264 wait4  S    ?          0:00      \_ 
cvs server
000 61923  7938  7937   0   0  3156 1900 select S    ?          0:00          
\_ /usr/bin/editor /tmp/cvs6k3Suz
100 60976  5429     1   0   0  2036  924 wait4  S    ?          0:00 sh 
/usr/local/bin/cvssh -c cvs server
000 60976  5430  5429   0   0  2748  916 select S    ?          0:00  \_ cvs 
040 60976  5431  5430   0   0  2764 1104 wait4  S    ?          0:00      \_ 
cvs server
000 60976  5432  5431   0   0  3156 1900 select S    ?          0:00          
\_ /usr/bin/editor /tmp/cvs3jzvfM

ps -fC cvs

gdenat   15429 15428  0 May26 ?        00:00:00 cvs server
gdenat   15434 15429  0 May26 ?        00:00:00 cvs server
gdenat   11788     1  0 May28 ?        00:00:00 cvs server
gdenat   11873 11788  0 May28 ?        00:00:00 cvs server
ericsch  31378 31377  0 May30 ?        00:00:00 cvs server
ericsch  31385 31378  0 May30 ?        00:00:00 cvs server
gdenat    7928  7927  0 May30 ?        00:00:00 cvs server
gdenat    7937  7928  0 May30 ?        00:00:00 cvs server

lsof -p 15429 # cvs server

cvs     15429 gdenat  cwd    DIR        3,1    4096    144119 /tmp/cvs-serv15429
cvs     15429 gdenat  rtd    DIR        3,1    4096         2 /
cvs     15429 gdenat  txt    REG        3,2  576237     32782 /usr/bin/cvs
cvs     15429 gdenat  mem    REG        3,1   90210    323306 /lib/
cvs     15429 gdenat  mem    REG        3,2   54632   1149730 
cvs     15429 gdenat  mem    REG        3,1   19136    323314 
cvs     15429 gdenat  mem    REG        3,2   68304   1149949 
cvs     15429 gdenat  mem    REG        3,2  348068   1149978 
cvs     15429 gdenat  mem    REG        3,2   64644   1149958 
cvs     15429 gdenat  mem    REG        3,1   56480    323414 
cvs     15429 gdenat  mem    REG        3,1    5016    323409 
cvs     15429 gdenat  mem    REG        3,1 1153816    323313 /lib/
cvs     15429 gdenat  mem    REG        3,1   40152    323403 
cvs     15429 gdenat  mem    REG        3,1   69472    323344 
cvs     15429 gdenat    0u  unix 0xf7f49cc0         354931150 socket
cvs     15429 gdenat    1u  unix 0xf7f49cc0         354931150 socket
cvs     15429 gdenat    2u  unix 0xf38cfd00         354931152 socket
cvs     15429 gdenat    3r  FIFO        0,0         354931192 pipe
cvs     15429 gdenat    5r  FIFO        0,0         354931193 pipe
cvs     15429 gdenat    7r  FIFO        0,0         354931194 pipe
cvs     15429 gdenat   10w  FIFO        0,0         354931195 pipe

lsof -p 10234 # lsdh

lshd    10234 root  cwd    DIR        3,1    4096         2 /
lshd    10234 root  rtd    DIR        3,1    4096         2 /
lshd    10234 root  txt    REG        3,2 2700836    744934 /usr/local/sbin/lshd
lshd    10234 root  mem    REG        3,1   90210    323306 /lib/
lshd    10234 root  mem    REG        3,1    7600    323449 
lshd    10234 root  mem    REG        3,1   69472    323344 /lib/
lshd    10234 root  mem    REG        3,1   19136    323314 
lshd    10234 root  mem    REG        3,2   54632   1149730 
lshd    10234 root  mem    REG        3,2   96836   1149893 
lshd    10234 root  mem    REG        3,1 1153816    323313 /lib/
lshd    10234 root  mem    REG        3,1   40152    323403 
lshd    10234 root  mem    REG        3,1   16944    320861 
lshd    10234 root  mem    REG        3,1   32668    323406 
lshd    10234 root  mem    REG        3,2  684092   1149765 
lshd    10234 root    0u   CHR        1,3            303056 /dev/null
lshd    10234 root    1u   CHR        1,3            303056 /dev/null
lshd    10234 root    2u   CHR        1,3            303056 /dev/null
lshd    10234 root    3u  unix 0xde38cdc0         387347010 socket
lshd    10234 root    4u  IPv4  282903601               TCP> (ESTABLISHED)
lshd    10234 root    5u   CHR        5,2            305566 /dev/ptmx
lshd    10234 root    6u  IPv4  272491632               TCP *:ssh (LISTEN)
lshd    10234 root    7u  IPv4  288081734               TCP> 
lshd    10234 root    8u   CHR        5,2            305566 /dev/ptmx
lshd    10234 root    9u   CHR        5,2            305566 /dev/ptmx
lshd    10234 root   10u  IPv4  291699552               TCP> 
lshd    10234 root   11u   CHR        5,2            305566 /dev/ptmx
lshd    10234 root   12u  IPv4  295967010               TCP> (ESTABLISHED)
lshd    10234 root   13u   CHR        5,2            305566 /dev/ptmx
lshd    10234 root   14u  IPv4  300269514               TCP> (ESTABLISHED)
lshd    10234 root   15u   CHR        5,2            305566 /dev/ptmx
lshd    10234 root   16u   CHR        5,2            305566 /dev/ptmx
lshd    10234 root   17u  IPv4  313279879               TCP> (ESTABLISHED)
lshd    10234 root   18u   CHR        5,2            305566 /dev/ptmx
lshd    10234 root   19u  IPv4  310639560               TCP> (ESTABLISHED)
lshd    10234 root   20u   CHR        5,2            305566 /dev/ptmx
lshd    10234 root   21u   CHR        5,2            305566 /dev/ptmx
lshd    10234 root   22u   CHR        5,2            305566 /dev/ptmx
lshd    10234 root   23u  IPv4  314548584               TCP> 
lshd    10234 root   24u   CHR        5,2            305566 /dev/ptmx
lshd    10234 root   25u  IPv4  315794211               TCP> 
lshd    10234 root   26u   CHR        5,2            305566 /dev/ptmx
lshd    10234 root   27u  IPv4  323734744               TCP> (ESTABLISHED)
lshd    10234 root   28u   CHR        5,2            305566 /dev/ptmx
lshd    10234 root   29u  IPv4  324930788               TCP> (ESTABLISHED)
lshd    10234 root   30u  IPv4  323764745               TCP> (ESTABLISHED)
lshd    10234 root   31u  IPv4  326979120               TCP> (ESTABLISHED)
lshd    10234 root   32u  IPv4  334979681               TCP> (ESTABLISHED)
lshd    10234 root   33u   CHR        5,2            305566 /dev/ptmx
lshd    10234 root   34u  IPv4  340078794               TCP> 
lshd    10234 root   35u   CHR        5,2            305566 /dev/ptmx
lshd    10234 root   36u   CHR        5,2            305566 /dev/ptmx
lshd    10234 root   37u  IPv4  347858188               TCP> 
lshd    10234 root   38u   CHR        5,2            305566 /dev/ptmx
lshd    10234 root   39u  IPv4  353465400               TCP> (ESTABLISHED)
lshd    10234 root   40u   CHR        5,2            305566 /dev/ptmx
lshd    10234 root   41u  IPv4  362666243               TCP> (ESTABLISHED)
lshd    10234 root   42u   CHR        5,2            305566 /dev/ptmx
lshd    10234 root   43u   CHR        5,2            305566 /dev/ptmx
lshd    10234 root   44u  IPv4  364090879               TCP> (ESTABLISHED)
lshd    10234 root   45u   CHR        5,2            305566 /dev/ptmx
lshd    10234 root   46u  IPv4  369147417               TCP> (ESTABLISHED)
lshd    10234 root   47u   CHR        5,2            305566 /dev/ptmx
lshd    10234 root   48u  IPv4  365462449               TCP> (ESTABLISHED)
lshd    10234 root   49u   CHR        5,2            305566 /dev/ptmx
lshd    10234 root   50u  IPv4  372871883               TCP> (ESTABLISHED)
lshd    10234 root   51u   CHR        5,2            305566 /dev/ptmx
lshd    10234 root   52u   CHR        5,2            305566 /dev/ptmx
lshd    10234 root   53u   CHR        5,2            305566 /dev/ptmx
lshd    10234 root   54u  IPv4  373179481               TCP> 
lshd    10234 root   55u   CHR        5,2            305566 /dev/ptmx
lshd    10234 root   56u  IPv4  382589636               TCP> (ESTABLISHED)
lshd    10234 root   57u   CHR        5,2            305566 /dev/ptmx
lshd    10234 root   58u  IPv4  386596935               TCP> (ESTABLISHED)
lshd    10234 root   59u   CHR        5,2            305566 /dev/ptmx
lshd    10234 root   60u   CHR        5,2            305566 /dev/ptmx
lshd    10234 root   62u   CHR        5,2            305566 /dev/ptmx

Loic   Dachary  address@hidden
12 bd  Magenta      address@hidden
75010    Paris         T: 33 1 42 45 07 97          address@hidden
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