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Re: [Simulavr-devel] avrtest and simulavr vs simulavrxx

From: Klaus Rudolph
Subject: Re: [Simulavr-devel] avrtest and simulavr vs simulavrxx
Date: Wed, 11 Mar 2009 12:29:49 +0100
User-agent: Thunderbird (Windows/20081209)

-C option: provide a "coredump" after simulation finished

The coredump is actually a text file where the simulator state is
recorded when exiting.  Note that this is always done through atexit()
so it does not really matter *how* the simulator was exiting,
including a caught SIGINT.

We could probably even teach AVR-GDB to eventually be able to read
these dump files in place of a normal coredump file, which allows for
a post-mortem analysis of an aborted (e.g. through SIGINT) simulation.

Is there a typical format for this?
Because it is mostly a memory dump it could be binary from address 0 to end_of_ram/flash or it could be a complete elf-file which also includes the debug symbols from the loaded elf prog. Basically that means to add one section to the elf which contains the memory dump. Registers are also included there, so I see no problems. To use elf makes it simple to do a postmortem analysis with symbols. In addition such a file can be used as a start point for continuing simulation at a frozen point, because reading elf is already supported. Only the ram-sections must be added. For reading such elf files back for continuing we have to define a special address range for "background registers" like 16bit timer temporary registers and others. Actually such registers are not visible via address space nor through any of the back doors.

The avr-libc testsuite uses the option -B <addr>, aka. --breakpoint
<addr>, in order to stop the simulation.  This option appears to be
the same as -T now (except that -T can also handle a symbol name when
simulating an ELF file), so maybe -B could be added as a synonym for
backwards compatibility?  Since simulavrxx uses the same command name
(simulavr) as the old implementation, this would be useful.

I can add that. Is there a new option format required like 0x... 0000h or something? I have no idea which format simulavrxx already have :-)

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