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Re: [Simulavr-devel] Version and doc fixes

From: Joel Sherrill
Subject: Re: [Simulavr-devel] Version and doc fixes
Date: Wed, 11 Mar 2009 17:35:29 -0500
User-agent: Thunderbird (X11/20090105)

Weddington, Eric wrote:
-----Original Message-----
From: Joel Sherrill [mailto:address@hidden Sent: Wednesday, March 11, 2009 3:56 PM
To: Weddington, Eric
Cc: address@hidden
Subject: Re: [Simulavr-devel] Version and doc fixes

Do you want to add stub sections which compare other
AVR simulators to this one?

X Comparison to Other AVR Simulators

X.1 simulavr (C version)

X.2 avrtest

Since these 2 will probably be dumped in the very near future, I don't see a 
reason for the comparison.

Joel, I don't know if you're subscribed to the avr-gcc-list mailing list, but I 
posted a question on that list this morning about any potential 
backwards-compatibility with simulavr. I got 5 immediate rejections of simulavr 
(nobody could get it to work) and nobody (yet) cares about 
Looking at that thread, I would say I read Tristan correctly.  :)

I personally rejected using avrtest for RTEMS because it didn't support gdb.

seems to sum it all up:

IMO it is absolutely required that a simulator can run as gdb server for avr-gdb.

Stand alone simulators like avrova seem not to have this functionality. I just skimmed the avrora site and saw no note pointing in that direction, maybe I middes it.

Some Nice-To-Have features:

-- run in gdb server mode
-- code breakpoints
-- data breakpoints
-- breakpoint on SP to detect stack overrun/underrun (hard because SP is two SFRs)
-- query ticks since some milestone
-- logging/dumping (what instruction is being executed, what GPRs, SREG-Bit is changing, etc) -- can simulate some internal peripheral that triggers IRQ, so that ISRs can be debugged and tests be written for ISRs

Georg-Johann Lay

I can't argue with his list.  I would put IRQs higher since
I know for RTEMS you can test nearly everything with just
a debug console and clock tick.

So I would say that puts the priority on running the gcc
test suite on it.
X.3 Avrora

That might be an interesting comparison, but hopefully in the future we can be 
feature compatibile with avrora, minus the RF support.

Overall, I don't see a great need now to do comparisons. I'd like to put this 
off as a future task.

OK.  I didn't realize the state of the other two.
The down side to this is that it seems I need to change the
file name of doc/simulavrxx.texinfo to doc/simulavr.texinfo so the filename of the pdf is simulavr.pdf. Do we really care about keeping the CVS history for this file? If not, I could just delete the one file, and add the new filename. Personally I don't think it matters. There isn't any critical
history is there?

It's just documentation, not code.
Move it.  Full steam ahead. :)

Joel Sherrill, Ph.D.             Director of Research & Development
address@hidden        On-Line Applications Research
Ask me about RTEMS: a free RTOS  Huntsville AL 35805
  Support Available             (256) 722-9985

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