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[Social-discuss] Welcome to the proper social-discuss mailing list

From: Matt Lee
Subject: [Social-discuss] Welcome to the proper social-discuss mailing list
Date: Mon, 24 Aug 2009 16:18:59 -0400
User-agent: Thunderbird (X11/20090817)

Here's we'll be discussing the development of GNU social.

If you have any ideas, please chip in.

The basic plan so far is:

* Create a simple clone of a Facebook-style social site with basic
objects for events, photos, notes, etc.

* Create a simple, monolithic friend-structure.

Both of the above to be created from the shell of the GNU FM (aka codebase in PHP and Smarty.

Once we have that part up, add OpenID for registrations and open the
floodgates for people to start joining and hacking.

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