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Var/Message Not Found

From: Manor Askenazi
Subject: Var/Message Not Found
Date: Mon, 22 Jul 96 14:39:15 MDT


A quick code thang -> many users have found it frustrating that sometimes
they receive a message of the form: 
  Warning: variable not found

(typically when customizing probe interfaces), and they do not get info 
about _which_ variable causes the problem. This is a gross oversight 
on my part so I am floating the following version of the ProbeMap.m file
which belongs in ..whatever../swarm/src/swarmobject/ which should display
the name of the "missing" variable or message name. Also, this code contains 
the variable name ordering hack for those who haven't yet installed it... 

Here's what to do:

1. cd ..whatever../swarm/src/swarmobject/ 

2. mv ProbeMap.m OldProbeMap.m

3. copy the file below into ProbeMap.m

4. type make

5. remake any application showing the "Warning: variable not found" message.
Note: This patch may not work because the file is part of the _next_ 
Swarm release but I'm practically certain it will compile OK etc. 
Otherwise, simply mv OldProbeMap.m back to its original location and 



++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ProbeMap.m +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

// Swarm library. Copyright (C) 1996 Santa Fe Institute.
// This library is distributed without any warranty; without even the
// implied warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.
// See file LICENSE for details and terms of copying.

#define __USE_FIXED_PROTOTYPES__  // for gcc headers
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>

#import <swarmobject/ProbeMap.h>
#import <objc/objc-api.h>

// SAFEPROBES enables lots of error checking here.
#define SAFEPROBES 1

//Used in order to ensure that probemaps do not reorder their contents 

static int p_compare(id a, id b){
  if(!([a compare: b]))
    return 0 ;
    return -1 ;

@implementation ProbeMap

-setProbedClass: (Class) aClass {
    if (probedClass != 0) {
      fprintf(stderr, "It is an error to reset the class\n");
      return nil;
  probedClass = aClass;
  return self;

-(Class) getProbedClass {
  return probedClass;

-_copyCreateEnd_ {

    if (probedClass == 0) {
      fprintf(stderr, "ProbeMap object was not properly initialized\n");
      return nil;
  numEntries = 0 ;

  probes = [Map createBegin: [self getZone]] ;
  [probes setCompareFunction: &p_compare] ;
  probes = [probes createEnd] ;

  if (probes == nil)
    return nil;

  return self;

-createEnd {
  IvarList_t ivarList;
  MethodList_t methodList;
                      //The compiler seems to put the methods in the 
  id inversionList ;  //opposite order than the one in which they were
                      //declared, so we need to manually invert them.
  id index ;

  int i;
  id a_probe ;

    if (probedClass == 0) {
      fprintf(stderr, "ProbeMap object was not properly initialized\n");
      return nil;

  probes = [Map createBegin: [self getZone]] ;
  [probes setCompareFunction: &p_compare] ;
  probes = [probes createEnd] ;

  if (probes == nil)
    return nil;

  if(!(ivarList = probedClass->ivars))
    numEntries = 0 ;
    numEntries = ivarList->ivar_count;

    for (i = 0; i < numEntries; i++) {
      char *name;

      name = (char *) ivarList->ivar_list[i].ivar_name;
      a_probe = [VarProbe createBegin: [self getZone]];
      [a_probe setProbedClass: probedClass];
      [a_probe setProbedVariable: name];
      a_probe = [a_probe createEnd];

      [probes at: [String create: [self getZone] setC: name] insert: a_probe] ;

  if((methodList = probedClass->methods)){
    numEntries += methodList->method_count;

    inversionList = [List create: [self getZone]] ;

    for (i = 0; i < methodList->method_count; i++) {
      a_probe = [MessageProbe createBegin: [self getZone]];
      [a_probe setProbedClass: probedClass];
      [a_probe setProbedSelector: methodList->method_list[i].method_name];
      a_probe = [a_probe createEnd];

        [inversionList addFirst: a_probe] ;
        numEntries-- ;
    index = [inversionList begin: [self getZone]] ;
    while( (a_probe = [index next]) ){
                create: [self getZone] 
                setC: (char *) [a_probe getProbedMessage]] 
             a_probe] ;
      [index remove] ;
    [index drop] ;
    [inversionList drop] ;

  return self;

-clone: aZone {
  ProbeMap *npm ;
  id index ;
  id a_probe ;

  npm = [ProbeMap createBegin: aZone] ;
  [npm setProbedClass: probedClass] ;
  npm = [npm _copyCreateEnd_] ;

  index = [self begin: aZone] ;

  while( (a_probe = [index next]) != nil )
    [npm _fastAddProbe_: [a_probe clone: aZone]] ;

    [index drop];

  return npm ;

-(int) getNumEntries {
  return numEntries;

-addProbeMap: (ProbeMap *) aProbeMap {

  Class aClass ;
  Class class ;
  id index ;
  id a_probe ;

  aClass = [aProbeMap getProbedClass] ;

  for (class = probedClass; class!=Nil; class = class_get_super_class(class))
    if (class==aClass){
      index = [aProbeMap begin: globalZone] ;
        while( (a_probe = [index next]) != nil )
          [self _fastAddProbe_: a_probe] ;
      [index drop];
      return self ;

  fprintf(stderr,"ProbeMap not added because %s is not a superclass of %s\n",
    aClass->name, probedClass->name) ;
  return self ;

-addProbe: aProbe {

  id roger_string ;
  Class aClass ;
  Class class ;

  if([aProbe isMemberOf: [VarProbe class]])
    roger_string = [String create: [self getZone]
                    setC: [aProbe getProbedVariable]] ;
    roger_string = [String create: [self getZone]
                    setC: strdup([aProbe getProbedMessage])] ;

  if([probes at: roger_string] != nil)
    fprintf(stderr,"addProbe: There was already a probe for %s!!!\n",
            [roger_string getC]) ;

  aClass = [aProbe getProbedClass] ;

  for (class = probedClass; class!=Nil; class = class_get_super_class(class))
    if (class==aClass){
      [probes at: roger_string insert: aProbe] ;
      numEntries++ ;
      return self ;

  fprintf(stderr,"Probe not added to ProbeMap because %s is not a superclass of 
%s\n",aClass->name, probedClass->name) ;

  return self ;

// Here, we don't check that the probe is of an appropriate class...
// This method is used by addProbeMap and clone where the check is done
// for all the probes within the candidate ProbeMap.
// Note: In practice, it is probably unnecessary to check for duplicate
//       inclusion...

-_fastAddProbe_: aProbe {

  id roger_string ;

  if([aProbe isMemberOf: [VarProbe class]])
    roger_string = [String create: [self getZone]
                     setC: [aProbe getProbedVariable]] ;
    roger_string = [String create: [self getZone]
                     setC: strdup([aProbe getProbedMessage])] ;

  if([probes at: roger_string] != nil)
    fprintf(stderr,"addProbe: There was already a probe for %s!!!\n",
            [roger_string getC]) ;

  [probes at: roger_string insert: aProbe] ;
  numEntries++ ;

  return self ;

// Note: the candidate ProbeMap for removal does not have to contain the
// *same* class in order to cause removal... Only probes with the same
// name!
// [We do not check that the classes are appropriate because the
// user may want to subtract commonly named methods from unrelated
// classes!!!]

-dropProbeMap: (ProbeMap *) aProbeMap {

  id index ;
  id a_probe ;

  index = [aProbeMap begin: globalZone] ;

  while( (a_probe = [index next]) != nil )
    if([a_probe isMemberOf: [VarProbe class]])
      [self dropProbeForVariable: [a_probe getProbedVariable]] ;
      [self dropProbeForMessage: strdup([a_probe getProbedMessage])] ;

  [index drop];

  return self ;

-dropProbeForVariable: (char *) aVariable {
  id roger_string ;
  roger_string = [String create: [self getZone] setC: aVariable] ;
  if([probes removeKey: roger_string] != nil)
    numEntries-- ;
  [roger_string drop] ;
  return self ;

-(Probe *) getProbeForVariable: (char *) aVariable {
  id roger_string ;
  id res ;

  roger_string = [String create: [self getZone] setC: aVariable] ;

  res = [probes at: roger_string] ;
  [roger_string drop] ;

  if (res == nil) {                       // if not found
      fprintf(stderr, "Warning: the variable %s was not found\n",aVariable);
    return nil;                                   // return nil
  } else
    return res ;

-dropProbeForMessage: (char *) aMessage {
  id roger_string ;
  roger_string = [String create: [self getZone] setC: aMessage] ;
  if([probes removeKey: roger_string] != nil)
    numEntries-- ;
  [roger_string drop] ;
  return self ;

-(Probe *) getProbeForMessage: (char *) aMessage {
  id roger_string ;
  id res ;

  roger_string = [String create: [self getZone] setC: aMessage] ;

  res = [probes at: roger_string] ;
  [roger_string drop] ;

  if (res == nil) {                       // if not found
      fprintf(stderr, "Warning: the message %s was not found\n",aMessage);
    return nil;                                   // return nil
  } else
    return res ;

-begin: aZone {
        return [probes begin: aZone] ;


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