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Finishing Install

From: Todd Allen
Subject: Finishing Install
Date: Thu, 07 Nov 1996 23:39:10 -0500

Well, I think that I'm almost there.  I have compiled and installed all
of the support libraries, the swarm libraries, and the sample
applications without erroes, but the sample apps don't seem to be
running correctly.  For example, if I envoke heatbugs using "./heatbugs
> bug.log" the bug.log file contains a stream of error messages:

  BLTVector does not respond to the method append

The program runs, the Swarm, HeatbugModeSwarm, HeatbugObserverSwarm
windows come up, and when I press the Go button, I get heat bugs running
around on in Heat World window (though the resolution seems poor), but
the Unhappiness of Bugs vs. Time window comes up very small, and if I
stretch it to a larger size, it is empty.  If I press the graphbug or
addheatbug buttons I get a beep, but nothing else.

Do I have some library installed or linked improperly?  I have one of
the pentium processors with the floating point error.  Could this be the
problem?  (I only discovered the error when I was installing tcl.)  

Thanks for the help,

Todd Allen
The Johns Hopkins University
Department of Economics
410-516-7571 (office)

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