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modelling and theory

From: Catherine Dibble
Subject: modelling and theory
Date: Thu, 13 Feb 1997 08:20:29 -0800

I agree with Brian Mayoh.  As a Swarm user, I have an understandable
interest in installation, mechanics, bugs, and how-to details...  

*BUT* my primary research interest is in Swarm-related modelling and
theory issues.  (see www.ncgia.ucsb.edu/~cath/geocomp96.html and

I'd love to see separate lists (even though I'd sign up for both),
since I attend to each at different modes and times.  And... I am
especially looking forward to discussing modelling and theory issues at
our SwarmFest this weekend.  8)

| Catherine Dibble         |                                            |
| Department of Geography  |   "Theory provides the maps that turn an   |
| University of California |    uncoordinated set of experiments or     |
| Santa Barbara, CA 93106  |    computer simulations into a cumulative  |
|                          |    exploration."                           |
| 805-964-9022 (home/vmail)|                                            |
| address@hidden       |    -- Booker, Goldberg, Holland (1989)     |
| www.geog.ucsb.edu/~cath  |      _Artificial Intelligence_ 40:235-282  |
although my Swarm research motto is just as often:
| Catherine Dibble         |                                            |
| Department of Geography  |   The most exciting phrase to hear in      |
| University of California |   science, the one that heralds new        |
| Santa Barbara, CA 93106  |   discoveries, is not "Eureka!" (I found   |
|                          |   it!) but "That's funny..."               |
| address@hidden       |                                            |
| www.geog.ucsb.edu/~cath  |                       -- Isaac Asimov      |

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