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Simple filtering (was Re: Digest?)

From: John Eikenberry [MSAI]
Subject: Simple filtering (was Re: Digest?)
Date: Mon, 24 Feb 1997 11:17:09 -0500 (EST)

Well, it seems we will be getting a digest, but since someone asked (hey
Holly ;), here is that brief tutorial on setting up the 'filter' program.
(I assume that you are a pine user and don't want the extraneous .elm/Mail
directories around)

1. Get it, install, etc. (it should come as a standard part of any elm 

2. Create a .forward file containing:
 '| /usr/local/bin/filter -f ~/mail/filter-rules -o ~/mail/filter.errors'

3. Create your filter file (this is the ~/mail/filter-rules file given 
        above, the default location of this file is ~/.elm/filter-rules). 
        You have various options here but to just sort out the swarm-support 
        mailing list put this in it:

 'if (to = "swarm-support") then Save "~/mail/swarm-support.%m"'
        This will save all messages you receive that were sent to 
swarm-support to a folder (in pine) named swarm-support with the number 
of the month appended to it (eg. for Feb is would be 'swarm-support.2').

The full documentation for the filter program come with the distribution 
(I think that's where I got it from, if it's not there I can mail you a 

John Eikenberry
"A society that will trade a little liberty for a little order
 will deserve neither and lose both."
                                         --B. Franklin

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