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Re: swarm-1.2 and Drone

From: Marcus G. Daniels
Subject: Re: swarm-1.2 and Drone
Date: 29 Aug 1998 08:09:45 -0700

>>>>> "PJ" == Paul Johnson <address@hidden> writes:

PJ> 1. If you were me, how would you go
PJ> about managing the repetition of a simulation? 

If it's possible, restart the simulation with different parameters
or configuration files.  I think the simpleExpr stuff will just make
things harder to understand.

PJ>    2. Concerning little swarmpatches like the one for Arguments.m
PJ> (which I don't pretend to understand), I'm wondering if I should
PJ> be making new rpms for them?  If I use drone, I have to make this
PJ> change, right? 

No, only if you want to use the --mode option.

PJ> What do scientists do if they have to prepare a
PJ> document for distribution in different formats, one of which is

LaTeX is probably a reasonable choice, as there's a LaTeX -> HTML

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